Course Catalog

Course Number:
(e.g., Math 11, Eng 1)

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Course code & No. Course Title Course Description Offering Unit
AI 201 Artificial Intelligence Core concepts in Artificial Intelligence and its applications AIP
AI 211 Computational Linear Algebra for AI Mathematical and Computational Methods for Al AIP
AI 212 Probability and Statistics for AI Advanced Statistical Techniques and Models, Convergence and Inequalities, Random Number Theory for AI problems AIP
AI 221 Classical Machine Learning Classical supervised and unsupervised learning models for Al and engineering problems AIP
AI 222 Advanced Machine Learning State-of-the-art supervised, unsupervised and generative learning models for AI and engineering problems AIP
AI 231 Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Concepts and frameworks for collaboration and communication between machine learning engineers and operations professionals for the deployment and management of AI systems AIP
AI 296 Graduate Seminar Seminar or reading course on recent work in developing concepts, tools, and methods in Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence AIP
AI 297 Special Topics State-of-the-art and upcoming concepts and frameworks of AI AIP
AI 299 Capstone Project in AI Applied research work on an approved project topic AIP
AI 301 Computational Learning Theory Computational and Mathematical Frameworks for Quantifying Complexity of Learning Tasks and AI Algorithms prerequisite AI 212 Probability and Statistics for AI/equivalent AIP
AI 321 Machine Learning for Sequential Data Design and development of applications of various machine learning algorithms on predictive maintenance and energy sequential data prerequisite Al 221 Classical Machine Learning/equivalent AIP
AI 322 Reinforcement Learning Fundamental concepts and principles in Reinforcement Learning and Engineering applications prerequisite AI 222 Advanced Machine Learning/equivalent AIP
AI 341 Differential Digital Signal Processing Theory, algorithms and applications of discrete-time signal processing systems and its applications in speech and audio signal processing prerequisite AI 222 Advanced Machine Learning/equivalent AIP
AI 351 Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing Machine learning approaches and state-of-the-art research in natural and statistical language processing prerequisite AI 221 Classical Machine Learning/equivalent AIP
AI 361 Autonomous Robots Concepts, theories, implementations and applications of autonomous robots in the human environment prerequisite AI 222 Advanced Machine Learning/equivalent AIP
AI 362 Artificial Intelligence Accelerator Software and hardware concepts, theories, algorithms, implementations and applications for accelerating artificial intelligence model training and inference prerequisite AI 222 Advanced Machine Learning/equivalent AIP
AI 380 Probabilistic Graphical Models Learning and inference in Directed and Undirected Graphical models and their engineering applications prerequisite Al 212 Probability and Statistics for Al/equivalent AIP
AI 390 Independent Study Independent study and or research on a particular AI topic of interest prerequisite None AIP
AI 397 Special Topics State-of-the-art and upcoming concepts and frameworks of Al prerequisite COI AIP
AI 399 Quantitative Research Methods in Al Analysis of the current and state-of-the art quantitative research methods for AI prerequisite None AIP
AI 400 PhD Dissertation Research work on an approved dissertation topic; paper writing, submission, and/or revisions; Dissertation defense prerequisite AI 399 Quantitative Research Methods in AI AIP
ARM 201 Archival Theory and Practice An introductory course on the history, fundamental concepts and principles, and emergent theories and constructs in archiving philosophy and practice SLIS
ARM 202 Records Management Theories and Standards Theoretical engagements, fundamental concepts and principles, and prevailing local and international standards governing records management SLIS
ARM 203 Law and Ethics for Archives and Records Management Legal and ethical issues in carrying out archival and recordkeeping activities SLIS
ARM 211 Collection Management of Archives and Records I Theories, principles, techniques and methods of identifying and understanding records of enduring value for long-term preservation through selection, appraisal and acquisition SLIS
ARM 212 Collection Management of Archives and Records II Theories, principles, techniques, and methods to establish both physical and intellectual control over archives and records through the functions of arrangement and description SLIS
ARM 213 Archival Access and Advocacy: Theories and Practice Theories and practices in the interrelated task of providing archival services and developing archival consciousness through reference, outreach, advocacy practices grounded in the understanding of users, laws, and ethics SLIS
ARM 214 Management of Record Centers and Archival Institutions Management theories and concepts as applied in records centers and archival institutions SLIS
ARM 220 Archives Preservation Management Policies and practices relating to the safety, security, environmental monitoring, handling, use, and disaster risk management of physical records and archives towards ensuring continuing access SLIS
ARM 221 Advanced Digital Preservation Theories, policies, techniques, and methods of facilitating the preservation of and access to digital objects SLIS
ARM 297 Special Topics in Archives and Records Management Emergent themes, issues, and practices in archives and records management SLIS
ARM 298 Special Project in Archives and Records Management Capstone project that integrates and applies the theories, principles, and practices in archives and records management that is either project-oriented (engagement with and solution for a client or stakeholders) or research-oriented (on own or client's/stakeholders' agenda) SLIS
ARTS 1 Critical Perspectives in the Arts DAS
AS 201 Nations and Peoples of Asia A broad multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary examination of the rise of nation-states and the different theories, contending perspectives, and empirics of nationalism and its relationship to development AC-ASP, AC
AS 202 Asia in Antiquity AC-ASP, AC
AS 203 Asian Encounters Encounters within Northeast, Southeast, South, and West Asia as well as encounters between these and regions outside Asia AC, AC-ASP
AS 204 Political Economy of Development in Asia Dynamics between actors, resources, and institutions that affect development AC, AC-ASP
AS 206 Philosophies and Religions of Asia AC-ASP, AC
AS 207 Arts of Asia AC, AC-ASP
AS 210 Theories and Perspectives on Area Studies AC, AC-ASP
AS 211 Security Issues in the Asia Pacific AC-ASP, AC
AS 212 Regionalism and Community Building in Asia AC-ASP, AC
AS 220 Modern Chinese Texts AC, AC-ASP
AS 221 Modern Japanese Texts AC, AC-ASP
AS 230 Seminar on Northeast Asia AC-ASP, AC
AS 234 Special Topics: Northeast Asia Focused thematic approaches to the study of Northeast Asian Countries AC, AC-ASP
AS 235.1 Social and Economic Development in China AC, AC-ASP
AS 235.2 Politics and Governance in China AC, AC-ASP
AS 235.3 Culture and Society in China AC, AC-ASP
AS 236.1 Social and Economic Development in Japan AC-ASP, AC
AS 236.2 Politics and Governance in Japan AC, AC-ASP
AS 236.3 Culture and Society in Japan AC, AC-ASP
AS 237.1 Social and Economic Development in Korea AC, AC-ASP
AS 237.2 Politics and Governance in Korea AC, AC-ASP
AS 237.3 Culture and Society in Korea AC, AC-ASP
AS 241 Modern Indonesian Texts AC, AC-ASP
AS 250 Seminar on Southeast Asia AC, AC-ASP
AS 252 Independent Study on Southeast Asia Readings on the region, a group of countries, or a country about a specific topic within the student’s interests and program of study AC-ASP, AC
AS 253 Readings on Southeast Asia II AC-ASP, AC
AS 254 Special Topics: Southeast Asia Focused thematic approaches to the study of Southeast Asian Countries AC, AC-ASP
AS 255.1 Social and Economic Development in Southeast Asia AC, AC-ASP
AS 255.2 Politics and Governance in Southeast Asia AC-ASP, AC
AS 255.3 Culture and Society in Southeast Asia AC-ASP, AC
AS 256 International Relations of Southeast Asia and ASEAN AC, AC-ASP
AS 260 Seminar on South Asia I AC, AC-ASP
AS 261 Seminar on South Asia II AC, AC-ASP
AS 262 Independent Study on South Asia Readings on the region, a group of countries, or a country about a specific topic within the student’s interests and program of study AC, AC-ASP
AS 263 Readings on South Asia II AC-ASP, AC
AS 264 Special Topics: South Asia Focused thematic approaches to the study of South Asian Countries AC, AC-ASP
AS 265.1 Social and Economic Development in South Asia The course critically examines the economic history and socio-economic development in contemporary South Asia PSP, AC, AC-ASP
AS 265.2 Politics and Governance in South Asia The course critically examines the foundations and current dynamics of politics and governance in contemporary South Asia AC, AC-ASP, PSP
AS 265.3 Culture and Society in South Asia The course examines the socio-cultural discourses in South Asia and the role that culture plays in defining contemporary society AC, AC-ASP, PSP
AS 280 Seminar on West Asia I AC-ASP, AC
AS 281 Seminar on West Asia II AC-ASP, AC
AS 282 Independent Study on West Asia Readings on the region, a group of countries, or a country about a specific topic within the student’s interests and program of study AC-ASP, AC
AS 283 Readings on West Asia II AC-ASP, AC
AS 284 Special Topics: West Asia Focused thematic approaches to the study of West Asian Countries AC-ASP, AC
AS 285.1 Social and Economic Development in West Asia This course on West Asia covers social development, political economy, regional cooperation, and global interactions PSP, AC, AC-ASP
AS 285.2 Comparative Area Studies: Politics and Governance in West Asia This course critically examines the foundations and current dynamics of politics and governance in contemporary West Asia AC, PSP, AC-ASP
AS 285.3 Culture and Society in West Asia The course examines the socio-cultural discourses in West Asia and the role that culture plays in defining contemporary society PSP, AC, AC-ASP
AS 298 Special Topics: Asian Studies AC, AC-ASP
AS 299 Research Methods AC-ASP, AC
AS 300 Thesis in Asian Studies AC-ASP, AC
AVC 100 Art Theory in Film and Audio-Visual Communication Application of art theories in film and audio-visual production. OURD
AVC 105 Audio-Visual Communication The various qualities of the visual sense and how communication can be improved with the use of more visual symbols. OURD
AVC 111 Basic Still Photography Fundamentals of photography as a tool of communication. OURD
AVC 131 Production Design Sets, props, lights, make-up, costumes, and graphics for film and audio-visual productions. VC
AVC 141 Sound Production and Film and Audio-Visual Communication Audio principles and techniques for film and audio-visual productions. VC
Accounting 1 Introduction to Financial Accounting DAF
Accounting 2 Basic Accounting II Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis DAF
Accounting 4B Intermediate Accounting (continued) DAF
Accounting 4A (Old numbers-Econ.18; Acct. 4) Intermediate Accounting DAF
Accounting 5A (Old numbers-Acctng 19 and Acctng 5) Advanced Accounting Problems DAF
Accounting 5 Governmental Accounting DAF
Accounting 6 Pharmacy Accounting DAF
Accounting 10A Mathematics of Finance II DAF
Accounting 10 Mathematics of Finance DAF
Accounting 104 Accounting Problems II A historical study of accounting theory and a critical evaluation of recent developments and trends in accounting thought DAF
Accounting 105A (Old numbers-Econ 19 and Acctng. 5) Advanced Accounting Problems DAF
Accounting 105B (Advanced Accounting Problems, continued) DAF
Accounting 122 Advanced Cost Accounting DAF
Accounting 123 Advanced Auditing DAF
Accounting 151 Accounting Reports DAF
Accounting 152 Accounting Systems DAF
Accounting 163 Specialized Accounting Problems DAF
Accounting 165 Accounting Theory DAF
Accounting 202 Accounting Reports for Executives DAF, DAF-BGC
Accounting 205 (no title) DAF, DAF-BGC
Accounting 206 Advanced Accounting Problems I Advanced Accounting Problems I DAF, DAF-BGC
Accounting 233 Finite Differences DAF, DAF-BGC
Accounting 234 Mathematical Theory of Probability DAF, DAF-BGC
Accounting 235 Mathematical Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies I DAF-BGC, DAF
Accounting 236 Mathematical Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies II DAF, DAF-BGC
Acctg 1 Introduction to Financial Accounting DBA, AIT, SE, DAF, HRIM, DIE/OR, CPAGE
Actuarial Sci 110 General Insurance A survey course of the underlying principles, nature and uses of various forms of contracts, types of insurance carriers, principles of insurance law, state regulation of insurance. The more important types of life, fire marine and casualty insurance are discussed. (For students who do not expect to take specialized insurance courses.) DBA
Actuarial Sci 111 Casualty Insurance A study of the development of employer's liability, workmen's compensation and its insurance; compensation insurance organizations, contracts, rates and ratings, and reserves. Other leading forms of casualty insurance are also considered. Not open to students who have received credit in Actuarial Science 110. DBA
Actuarial Sci 210 Advanced Mathematical Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies I A detailed study of life's annuities and assurances, the construction of premiums for varying benefits, methods of loading ne premiums, theory of policy values and various methods and plans or reserve valuation, theory of dividends, total and permanent disability benefits, and double indemnity. DBA-BGC, DBA
Actuarial Sci 211 Advanced Mathematical Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies II Continuation of Actuarial Science 210 DBA, DBA-BGC
Adv Stud 299 Research Methods I PSP, AC
Anthro 3 Philippine Ethnography DAnthro
Anthro 10 Bodies, Senses and Humanity DAnthro
Anthro 100 General Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 101 Foundations of Biological Anthropology Comprehensive survey of the history, theories, concepts and methods in biological anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 101.1 Foundations of Biological Anthropology Laboratory Basic laboratory techniques in biological anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 102 Ethnography of Eastern Asia and Oceania DAnthro
Anthro 103 Primatology DAnthro
Anthro 104 Human Evolution Fossil and cultural evidence of human evolution. DAnthro
Anthro 105 Human Evolution A review of the fossil and cultural evidence for human evolution from the miocene to the post-pleistocene period. DAnthro
Anthro 106 Primitive Sociology A general study of the social and mental development of mankind with special reference to the early history of such institutions as marriage, the family, government and law, and the development of beliefs. Lectures, outside readings, and reports on assigned topics. DAnthro
Anthro 107 Contemporary Human Populations Phenotypic and genotypic differences among present-day human populations and their history and present distribution; basis of racial classifications. DAnthro
Anthro 111 Introduction to Archaeology Principles, methods, and theories in archaeology, and major themes in studying humanity’s past DAnthro
Anthro 111.1 Introduction to Archaeology Laboratory Laboratory course for the analysis of archaeological materials DAnthro
Anthro 112 World Cultural History Survey of the rise of urban society and ancient cities as revealed through archaeology and other anthropological data. DAnthro
Anthro 114 Archaeology of Southeast Asia and Oceania Beginnings and growth of prehistoric cultures and the peopling of the Pacific Island world. DAnthro
Anthro 115 Philippine Archaeology Survey of archaeological research on the Philippines DAnthro
Anthro 116 Philippine Folklore A general study of Philippine myths and folk tales, and of their significance. Lectures, reading, and original work. DAnthro
Anthro 117 Folklore of Eastren Asia and Oceania A study of the myths, fables, and legends of southern and eastern Asia and Oceanic Islands, and their bearing on the problems of Oceanic ethnology. DAnthro
Anthro 118 Prehistory of the Philippines DAnthro
Anthro 119 Introduction to Museology Principles, methods and application. DAnthro
Anthro 120 Special Problems in Museology Issues, development and problems in museum work. DAnthro
Anthro 123 Peoples of the Philippines DAnthro
Anthro 124 Peoples of Southeast Asia and Oceania Ethnology and cultural ecology of the area. DAnthro
Anthro 126 Social and Economic Life of Philippine Mountain Peoples DAnthro
Anthro 131 Economic Anthropology Basic discoveries, inventions, technological achievements and economic organization of ancient primitive worlds. DAnthro
Anthro 132 Introduction to Ecological Anthropology Relation between cultural behavior and environmental phenomena. DAnthro
Anthro 133 Economic Anthropology Concepts and theories in economic anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 141 Introduction to Political Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 142 Legal Anthropology Concepts and process of law, lawmaking and conflict settlement across cultures DAnthro
Anthro 151 Comparative Religion Studies of religious beliefs, representations and practices in different cultures DAnthro
Anthro 161 Introduction to Folklore Oral and traditional literature of representative cultures of the world. DAnthro
Anthro 164 Folklore of Southeast Asia and Oceania Oral and traditional literature of these areas and its bearing on the problems of Oceanic ethnology. DAnthro
Anthro 165 Philippine Folklore DAnthro
Anthro 166 Indigenous Knowledge Survey of different cultural epistemologies DAnthro
Anthro 167 Anthropology of Health Care Overview of traditional and western health care systems. DAnthro
Anthro 168 Introduction to Museology Principles, methods and application of museology. DAnthro
Anthro 170 Linguistic Anthropology Theories and concepts in linguistic anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 172 Peasant Communities Ethnographic interrogation of peasant communities DAnthro
Anthro 173 Introduction to Urban Anthropology Concepts and theories in urban anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 175 Applied Anthropology Issues and problems in the application of anthropological knowledge in various fields DAnthro
Anthro 179 Culture Change Processes of unplanned and planned cultural changes DAnthro
Anthro 181 Social Anthropology Concepts, theories and present day implications. DAnthro
Anthro 182 Culture and Personality Role of culture in personality development. DAnthro
Anthro 185 Introduction to Philippine Culture DAnthro
Anthro 187 Sex and Culture Comparative survey of sex phenomena in their cultural context. DAnthro
Anthro 188 Culture Change Theories, methods, and problems involved in culture change; factors relating to the stability, growth and change in non-Western areas of the contemporary world. DAnthro
Anthro 189 Introduction to Anthropological Theory DAnthro
Anthro 190 Field Methods in Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 191 Anthropological Theory Theories in ethnology and social anthropology; trends in problems and methods in cultural anthropology. DAnthro
Anthro 193 Special Topics in Research Methods in Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 194 Research Methods in Linguistic Anthropology Principles and concepts in doing research in linguistic anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 195 Field Methods in Archaeology Field training and application. DAnthro
Anthro 196 Field Methods in Social Anthropology Ethnographic field research in social anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 197 Field Methods in Biological Anthropology Training in the methods of fieldwork in biological anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 197.1 Field Methods in Biological Anthropology Laboratory Application of laboratory techniques and analysis of data gathered from field research in biological anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 198 Special Topics DAnthro
Anthro 202 Historical Foundations of Physical Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 203 Seminar on Primate Behavior The different approaches in a comprehensive study of a village community from an anthropological viewpoint. DAnthro
Anthro 204 Philippine Archaeology DAnthro
Anthro 205 Readings in Physical Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 211 Philippine Archaeology (By arrangement) DAnthro
Anthro 212 World Archaeology DAnthro
Anthro 215 Philippine Archaeology DAnthro
Anthro 216 Field Work in Philippine Archaeology Archaeological methods and technique as demonstrated through field experience. DAnthro
Anthro 217 Seminar in Southeast Asian Archaeology DAnthro
Anthro 218 Seminar in Philippine Pre-History DAnthro
Anthro 219 Special Problems in Museology DAnthro
Anthro 221 The Village Community The different approaches in a comprehensive study of a village community from an anthropological viewpoint. DAnthro
Anthro 223 Philippine Ethnic Groups DAnthro
Anthro 224 World Ethnography DAnthro
Anthro 225 Philippine Culture and Society DAnthro
Anthro 229 Seminar in India and South Asia DAnthro
Anthro 232 Seminar in Ecological Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 235 Seminar in Culture and Population DAnthro
Anthro 236 Seminar in Economic Organization and Cultural Behavior DAnthro
Anthro 245 Research in Philippine Custom Law and Political System DAnthro
Anthro 246 Seminar in Political Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 251 Seminar in Religious Systems DAnthro
Anthro 255 Research in Philippine Custom Law and Political System DAnthro
Anthro 259 Seminar in India and South Asia Culture change in India and South Asia DAnthro
Anthro 261 Seminar in Asian Traditions DAnthro
Anthro 262 Seminar in Myths and Rituals DAnthro
Anthro 265 Field Research in Philippine Folklore Methods and techniques in folklore. DAnthro
Anthro 266 Seminar in Folk Traditions DAnthro
Anthro 267 Advanced Medical Anthropology Theoretical approaches and applied research methods in the study of health care. DAnthro
Anthro 269 Seminar in Asian Folklore DAnthro
Anthro 270 Seminar in Anthropological Linguistics DAnthro
Anthro 272 Indian Folklore Sources, collections, bibliographic and study tools; classification and typing; theories of origin, diffusion and influence of world folklore. DAnthro
Anthro 273 Seminar in Urban Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 274 The Village Community Approaches to the study of a village life. DAnthro
Anthro 275 Seminar in Problems of Contemporary Culture Change Methods and uses of applied anthropology; contemporary problems resulting from culture change. DAnthro
Anthro 277 Seminar in Development Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 278 Special Problems in Philippine Cultural Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 279 Special Problems in Mindanao Studies DAnthro
Anthro 280 Special Problems in Philippine Communities DAnthro
Anthro 282 Seminar in Culture and Personality DAnthro
Anthro 286 Seminar in Comparative Kinship Systems DAnthro
Anthro 287 Seminar in Sex and Culture DAnthro
Anthro 289 Special Problems in the Anthropology of Education DAnthro
Anthro 291 Special Problems in Asian Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 292 Seminar in Anthropological Theory DAnthro
Anthro 293 Seminar in Structural Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 295 Special Problems in Philippine and Oceanic Anthropology Original research by the student under the direction of the instructor. DAnthro
Anthro 297 Seminar in Research Design and Methods DAnthro
Anthro 298 Research Methods in Physical Anthropology DAnthro
Anthro 299 Independent Studies Preparation for thesis writing. DAnthro
Anthro 300 Master's Thesis DAnthro
Anthro 400 PhD Dissertation DAnthro
App Physics 155 Computer Methods in Physics I NIP
App Physics 156 Computer Methods in Physics II NIP
App Physics 157 Computational Analysis and Modeling in Physics Computational models in physics; numerical simulations of physical systems; stochastic simulation and algorithms; image processing; multidimensional detection techniques; pattern recognition NIP
App Physics 167 Applied Optics Microscopy, holography and interferometry, Fourier optics, spectroscopy and nonlinear optics, imaging optics, 3D imaging NIP
App Physics 171 Introductory Crystallography NIP
App Physics 173 Solid State Physics NIP
App Physics 175 Materials Physics I NIP
App Physics 176 Materials Physics II NIP
App Physics 181 Physical Electronics I Analysis of passive circuits; resonance and filters; semiconductors theory; noise theory; semiconductor devices and their applications; operational amplifiers and analog electronics; FET, MOSFET, CMOS, integrated circuits; electronic instrumentation;and basic digital operations NIP
App Physics 182 Physical Electronics II NIP
App Physics 183 Control Systems Approach to Physics Modeling NIP
App Physics 184 Physical Electronics and Instrumentation Analog-digital conversion and multiplexing; computer hardware and interfacing; microprocessors and machine language programming; applications of microprocessors. Sensors, transducers, and measurement techniques for various physical variables; signal conditioning, digitization and sampling; signal processing and reliability of data NIP
App Physics 185 Instrumentation Physics I NIP
App Physics 186 Instrumentation Physics II NIP
App Physics 187 Photonics and Applied Optics NIP
App Physics 195 Special Topics NIP
App Physics 199 Undergraduate Research NIP
App Physics 200 Undergraduate Thesis NIP
App Physics 299 Independent Master's Thesis NIP
Apsy 101 Introduction To Applied Psychology Psych
Apsy 151 Personal Growth Psych
Apsy 156 Introduction To Clinical Psychology Psych
Apsy 163 Psychological Assessment In Various Settings Psych
Apsy 181 Introduction To Community Psychology Psych
Apsy 182 Introduction To Industrial-Organizational Pyschology Psych
Apsy 183 Human Resources Development Psych
Apsy 184 Group Psychology Psych
Apsy 199.1 Research In Applied Psychology I (Thesis Writing I) Psych
Apsy 199.2 Research In Applied Psychology II (Thesis Writing 2) Psych
Arabic 10 Elementaring Arabik I (Elementary Arabic I) Lingg
Arabic 11 Elementaring Arabik II (Elementary Arabic II) Lingg
Arabic 12 Intermidyet na Arabik I (Intermediate Arabic I) Lingg
Arabic 13 Intermidyet na Arabik II (Intermediate Arabic II) Lingg
Arabic 100 Advans na Arabik I (Advanced Arabic I) Lingg
Arabic 101 Advans na Arabik II (Advanced Arabic II) Lingg
Arabic 110 Mga Babasahin sa Arabik (Readings in Arabic) Lingg
Arabic 111 Advans na Komposisyon sa Arabik (Advanced Composition in Arabic) Lingg
Aral Pil 202 Oryentasyon at Lapit na Interdisiplinari sa Araling Pilipino DFPP
Aral Pil 300 Tesis DFPP
Arch 1 Architectural Communication I: Mechanical Drawing Drafting principles and techniques, applied descriptive and solid geometry; the development of skills in orthographics and reproduction techniques. Arch
Arch 2 Architectural Communication II: Graphic Visualization and Representation Techniques Arch
Arch 3 Architectural Communication III: Architectural Presentation Techniques Arch
Arch 4 Architectural Communication IV: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Digital Visualization Arch
Arch 5 Architectural Communication V: Digital Visualization in Architecture Arch
Arch 10 Architectural Design I: Foundations of Design Arch
Arch 16 History, Theory and Criticism I: Introduction to Architecture Arch
Arch 17 History, Theory and Criticism II: Philippine Architecture A chronological study of Philippine Architecture from precolonial to contemporary times with focus on related theoretical issues. Arch
Arch 18 History, Theory and Criticism III: Architecture of Asia and the Pacific A diachronic study of the architecture of Asia and the Pacific with focus on related theoretical issues. Arch
Arch 19 History, Theory and Criticism IV: World Architecture A diachronic study of the architecture of Europe, the Americas, Middle East, Russia and Africa, with focus on related theoretical issues. Arch
Arch 20 Architectural Design II: Design and Intra-personal Spaces Arch
Arch 21 Architectural Design III: Design and Inter-personal Spaces Arch
Arch 22 Architectural Design IV: Design and Social Space Arch
Arch 23 Building Construction I: Materials of Building Technology Arch
Arch 24 Building Construction II: Simple Frame Construction Arch
Arch 28 Architectural Structures III: Statics and Strength of Materials for Buildings Arch
Arch 31 Architectural Design V: Site Context and Architecture Arch
Arch 32 Architectural Design VI: Architecture, Technology and the Environment Arch
Arch 33 Building Construction III: Heavy Frame Construction Arch
Arch 35 Utilities I: Plumbing and Sanitary Services in Buildings Arch
Arch 55 Design with Nature: Tropical Design Arch
Arch 57 Practice and Governance I: Building Laws Arch
Arch 60 Planning and Urban Design I: Site Planning and Landscape Architecture Arch
Arch 75 Architectural Research: Basic Research Methods in Architecture Arch
Arch 105 Architectural Communication VII: Theory of Color Arch
Arch 128 Architectural Structures VI: Laboratory in Architectural Structures Arch
Arch 134 Building Construction IV: Building Systems and Technology Arch
Arch 136 Utilities II: Mechanical and Electrical Systems of Buildings Arch
Arch 140 Utilities VI: Utilities for Building Interiors Arch
Arch 141 Architectural Design VII: Integrative Design Project I Arch
Arch 142 Architectural Design VIII: Integrative Design Project II Arch
Arch 143 Utilities III: Architectural Lighting Arch, Arch
Arch 144 Architectural Communication VIII: Color Dynamics Arch
Arch 147 Utilities IV: Architectural Acoustics Arch
Arch 148 Utilities VII: Environmental Lighting Arch
Arch 149 Utilities VIII: Environmental Acoustics Arch
Arch 153 Architectural Design X: Architectural Manufacturing Arch
Arch 156 Architectural Design XI: Evaluation of Architectural Design Arch
Arch 158 Practice and Governance II: Professional Services of the Architect Arch
Arch 159 Practice and Governance III: Finance, Taxation, Civics and Land Reform for Architects Arch
Arch 161 Planning and Urban Design II: Fundamentals of Urban Design and Community Architecture Arch
Arch 162 Planning and Urban Design III: Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning Arch
Arch 163 Planning and Urban Design IV: Socio-Cultural and Institutional Aspects of Housing Arch
Arch 166 Architectural Communication IX: Architectural Photography Arch
Arch 168 Architectural Communication X: Model-making for Building Interiors Arch
Arch 171 Architectural Structures: Form-Finding in Structures I Arch
Arch 172 Architectural Structures: Form-Finding in Structures II Arch
Arch 176 Utilities V: Health and Safety in Buildings Arch
Arch 199.1 Architectural Design IX: A Comprehensive Design Project (Pre-design to Schematic Development) A final design activity demonstrating comprehension of all architectural courses in the program, Part 1. Arch
Arch 199.2 Architectural Design X: A Comprehensive Design Project (Design Development) A final design activity demonstrating comprehension of all architectural courses in the program, Part 2. Arch
Arch 201 Introduction to Architectural Research Arch
Arch 202 Dynamics of Architectural Space Arch
Arch 203 Architectural Mensuration Arch
Arch 204 Evolution of Space in Architecture Arch
Arch 205 Tropical Architecture Arch
Arch 206 Management for Architectural Practice Arch
Arch 207 Computer-Aided Design Arch
Arch 208 Designing with Nature Arch
Arch 209 Decision-Making for Architects Arch
Arch 211 Fire Safety in Buildings Arch
Arch 212 Energy Conservation in Buildings Arch
Arch 213 Quantitative Methods for Architectural Analysis Arch
Arch 221 Architectural Design I Arch
Arch 222 Architectural Design II Arch
Arch 223 Architectural Design III Arch
Arch 231 Elements of Community Architecture Arch
Arch 232 Community Architecture I Arch
Arch 233 Community Architecture II Arch
Arch 234 Community Architecture III Arch
Arch 235 Service and Utility Systems Arch
Arch 236 Movement Systems: Needs and Facilities Arch
Arch 251 Structural Concepts Arch
Arch 252 Structural Systems in Architecture I Arch
Arch 253 Structural Systems in Architecture II Arch
Arch 254 Environmental Technology I Arch
Arch 255 Environmental Technology II Arch
Arch 256 Building Technology I Arch
Arch 257 Building Technology II Arch
Arch 258 Frame Analysis of Architectural Structures Arch
Arch 259 Complex Architectural Structures Arch
Arch 260 Fallout Shelters Arch
Arch 261 Fundamentals of Housing Arch
Arch 262 Research Methods for Housing Design Arch
Arch 264 Analytical Methods for Housing Design Arch
Arch 265 Current Issues in Housing Arch
Arch 267 Special Studies in Housing Arch
Arch 268 Housing Design Arch
Arch 299 Seminar Arch
Arch 300 Thesis Arch
Archaeo 2 Archaeological Heritage: The Past is Not a Foreign Land UPSA
Archaeo 201 Foundations of Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 202 History of Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 203 Archaeology and Culture Theoretical issues in the analysis of relations between archaeological remains and human behavior in the context of human culture. UPSA
Archaeo 204 Scientific Archaeological Analysis General overview of the various analytical tools used in archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 206 Field Methods in Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 207 Laboratory and Applied Analysis of Archaeological Remains Fundamentals in the processing of artifacts. UPSA
Archaeo 210 Statistics in Archaeology The use of statistics in exploration, excavation and analysis of materials for report writing. UPSA
Archaeo 211 Computer Programs in Archaeology The use of computer programs in aid of exploration, excavation and analysis of materials for report writing. UPSA
Archaeo 218 Ethnoarchaeology Comparative studies of living ethnic groups and archaeological material culture. UPSA
Archaeo 219 Museology Principles of Organization and Administration of Archaeological collections (cross-listed with Anthro. 219) UPSA
Archaeo 220 Philippine Prehistoric Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 221 Stone Ages The earliest cultural phases of humankind indicated by archaeological remains up to sedentarism and domestication, chronology, Paleo-Ecology and technology, with emphasis on Southeast Asia. UPSA
Archaeo 222 Metal Ages The earliest evidence of the use of metals, diverse theories on the origin of metallurgy, with emphasis on Southeast Asia. UPSA
Archaeo 224 Southeast Asian Prehistoric Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 230 Complex Societies in Southeast Asia Evolution, organization, and archaeology of ancient states UPSA
Archaeo 231 Settlement Patterns and Household Systems in Southeast Asia Archaeological sites distribution and household systems UPSA
Archaeo 234 Archaeology of Trade Trade patterns and exchange systems in the archaeological context, with emphasis on Southeast Asia. UPSA
Archaeo 240 Human Paleontology Biocultural evolutionary stages of humans, with emphasis on Southeast Asia. UPSA
Archaeo 241 Mortuary Analysis in Archaeology Theoretical approaches in the study of mortuary sites. UPSA
Archaeo 242 Archaeozoological Remains A theoretical and practical course on the analysis of faunal remains from archaeological sites UPSA
Archaeo 243 Lithic Analysis UPSA
Archaeo 244 Ceramic Analysis UPSA
Archaeo 245 Geoarchaeology UPSA
Archaeo 246 Archaeobotanical Remains A survey and practical course on the specialization of archaeobotany UPSA
Archaeo 250 Historical Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 251 Maritime and Underwater Archaeology History, concepts, and methods in maritime and underwater archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 260 Archaeological Resource Management UPSA
Archaeo 269 Archaeological Applications of Geology UPSA
Archaeo 270 Readings in Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 297 Special Topics in Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 298 Special Topics in Regional Archaeology UPSA
Archaeo 299 Research UPSA
Archaeo 300 Master's Thesis UPSA
Archaeo 301 Advanced Field Methods UPSA
Archaeo 302 Heritage Management UPSA
Archaeo 399 Independent Study UPSA
Archaeo 400 Dissertation UPSA
Archi 201 Architecture and Landscape Architecture Theories Principles governing the conceptualization and production of indoor and outdoor spaces. Design philosophies, processes and strategies, and basic design criteria engaged through discussions and readings. Arch
Archi 202 Foundations of Qualitative Research in the Designed and Built Environment Arch
Archi 203 Foundations of Quantitative Research in the Designed and Built Environment Arch
Archi 210 Writings and Precedents in Architecture and Landscape Architecture Arch
Archi 211 Studio Topic Arch
Archi 231 Urban Design Principles Arch
Archi 232 Environmental Issues in Urban Design Arch
Archi 233 Housing and Real Estate Development Issues in Urban Design Arch
Archi 241 Architectural Heritage Studies Arch
Archi 242 Conservation Management Planning Arch
Archi 243 Architectural Heritage Theory and Conservation Laws Arch
Archi 244 The Science of Built Heritage Conservation Arch
Archi 251 Structuring Architectural Form Arch
Archi 252 Lighting and Acoustics in Architecture Arch
Archi 253 Design Visualization and Computation Arch
Archi 254 Methods and Meanings of Building Materials and Systems Arch
Archi 261 People, Climate and Architecture Arch
Archi 262 Tropical Dwellings Arch
Archi 263 Tropical Coastal Developments Arch
Archi 299 Graduate Seminar Studies that inform the production of architecture and the development of critical interpretations of site, program, service, and research. Arch
Archi 300 Thesis Arch
Arkiyoloji 1 Ang Pilipinas: Arkiyoloji at Kasaysayan UPSA
Art Stud 2 Art Around Us: Exploring Everyday Life DAS
Art Stud 50 The Field of Art Studies DAS
Art Stud 100 The Visual Arts of the West from their Beginnings to High Renaissance DAS
Art Stud 101 The Visual Arts of the West from the Mannerists to the Impressionists DAS
Art Stud 102 The Human Image in the Arts A comparative and thematic study of various ideas and images of space, time and reality as revealed through the arts, particularly as they have a bearing on man's relationships, attitudes and action toward himself, other men and nature. DAS
Art Stud 103 Folk Art Introduction to folk art; its nature, scope and characteristic forms and styles. DAS
Art Stud 104 The Performing Arts Introduction to the aesthetics of the performing arts: music, dance, theater, and cinema. DAS
Art Stud 105 The Elements of Music Basic sources and concepts of musical elements in some major cultures and societies. DAS
Art Stud 106 Musical Forms Basic sources and concepts of musical organization in some major cultures and societies. DAS
Art Stud 107 Elements of Dance Theories of dance as art. The creative process in the organization of space, time and movement for artistic expression within the context of various cultures and styles. DAS
Art Stud 109 Forms and Theories of Performance in Art Studies Introduction to forms, concepts, and theories of performance within the context of art production, art history, art theory and criticism, arts management, and curatorial practice DAS
Art Stud 110 The Classical Tradition in the Arts Classic Greek art and the phenomenon of classicism as a vital stylistic resource for succeeding art periods outside of Greece. DAS
Art Stud 111 Arts of the World I DAS
Art Stud 112 Arts of the World II The socio-cultural dimensions in the history of arts in East Asia, South East Asia, and the Pacific. DAS
Art Stud 113 Arts of the World III The socio-cultural dimensions in the history of arts in Europe and the Americas. DAS
Art Stud 115 The Medieval Tradition in the Arts Medieval Art as shaped by the development of Christian concepts and its vicissitudes in the arts of the Philippines and Latin America. DAS
Art Stud 120 The Romantic Tradition in the Arts The romantic spirit in art and its manifestations in later periods and various culture in the East and West, with particular reference to Philippine art. DAS
Art Stud 125 The Spirit of the Renaissance in the Arts European Renaissance art, its modifications and manifestations in later periods outside Europe, particularly in Philippine arts. DAS
Art Stud 130 The Spirit of the Baroque and Rococo in the Arts Baroque and Rococo art, their development and influence in later periods outside Europe, with particular emphasis on the Philippines and Latin America. DAS
Art Stud 135 19th Century Western Art DAS
Art Stud 140 Modern Art Modern art, its diversity, tentativeness as well as its revolutionary attitude towards stylistic traditions. DAS
Art Stud 141 Photography as Art The history and aesthetics of photography. DAS
Art Stud 142 The Cinematic Arts History and criticism of the traditional art forms - literary, musical, visual - as utilized and transformed by cinematic artists. DAS
Art Stud 143 Contemporary Art Historical conditions and specific articulations of contemporary art in different sites of emergence and in relation to Modern Art DAS
Art Stud 144 New Media Art Critical study of a broad range of artistic forms utilizing emerging media technologies from the late 20th century to the present DAS
Art Stud 150 The Arts in East Asia DAS
Art Stud 151 The Arts in Southeast Asia DAS
Art Stud 152 The Arts in South Asia Indian art, its growth, development and impact on the arts of the rest of Asia. DAS
Art Stud 153 The Arts in West Asia and North Africa DAS
Art Stud 154 The Arts in African Cultures Tradition and change in African art; its impact on other cultures. DAS
Art Stud 155 The Arts in North America American art from the Colonial Period to the present as shaped by varied native American Indian, Folk, African and European artistic developments. DAS
Art Stud 156 The Arts in Latin America Painting, sculpture and architecture from the pre-Columbian period to the present and their influences on Philippine art. DAS
Art Stud 157 Contemporary Arts of Asia The contemporary spirit and its manifestations in the various artistic traditions of Asia. DAS
Art Stud 160 Music in Asian Cultures Basic concepts underlying musical creation, performance and experience in Eastern Asian cultures. DAS
Art Stud 161 Music in Western Cultures Basic concepts underlying musical creation, performance and experience in Western cultures especially as it developed in the European and American traditions. DAS
Art Stud 162 Dance in Asian Cultures Asian dance in its cultural and social contexts. DAS
Art Stud 163 Dance in Western Cultures Western dance in its cultural and social contexts. DAS
Art Stud 170 Philippine Art and Society DAS
Art Stud 171 The Arts of Philippine Living Traditions Perspectives and dynamics of the arts of Philippine living tradition DAS
Art Stud 172 Visual Arts in the Philippines Forms, histories, and themes of the visual arts in the Philippines DAS
Art Stud 173 Multi-Dimensional Visual Arts in the Philippines DAS
Art Stud 174 Popular Art and Culture in the Philippines The rise of popular culture as manifested in visual, musical, cinematic and literary forms and its major social implications; the role of commerce and the mass media in its dissemination. DAS
Art Stud 175 Music in Philippine Culture Basic concepts of musical creation, performance and experience. DAS
Art Stud 176 Dance in Philippine Culture The aesthetics and development of Philippine traditional dance. DAS
Art Stud 177 Cinema in Philippine Culture DAS
Art Stud 178 Arts Management in the Philippines Perspective, strategies, and practices in arts management in the Philippines DAS
Art Stud 179 Perspectives and Concepts in Philippine Art Perspectives and concepts that guide the production, circulation, and consumption of art in the Philippines DAS
Art Stud 180 The Arts in Chinese Civilization from the Neolithic to the Six Dynasties Period (7000 BC-520 AD) DAS
Art Stud 181 The Arts in Chinese Civilization from T'ang to Ch'ing Dynasty (618 AD-1912) DAS
Art Stud 182 Arts of Korea The arts and aesthetic traditions in Korea from the Gojoseon to the contemporary period DAS
Art Stud 183 The Arts in Islamic Civilizations The art of Near Eastern cultures with major emphasis on Arabic and Persian works of the classical age of Islam. DAS
Art Stud 185 Japanese Sculpture and Architecture from their Beginnings to the 19th Century Japanese art, its growth and development from the 4th up to the 19th century. DAS
Art Stud 186 Japanese Painting and Graphic Arts from their Beginnings to the 19th Century DAS
Art Stud 190 Aesthetics and Art Theory Theoretical frameworks in aesthetics and art theory emerging from a range of Western discourses, from the classical to the contemporary DAS
Art Stud 191 Aesthetics and Theories of Art Philosophies of art emerging from a range of non-Western discourses from the traditional to the temporary DAS
Art Stud 192 Art Criticism (Practicum) The writing of art criticism as informed by the perspectives and methods in aesthetics and art theory. DAS
Art Stud 193 Gender Issues in the Arts The processes by which artistic canons include and exclude texts and discourses on the grounds of gender. DAS
Art Stud 194 Perspectives in Art History DAS
Art Stud 195 Curatorship Professional system and academic requisite involved in the planning, organizing, display, and documentation of exhibitions in museums, galleries, and alternative spaces DAS
Art Stud 196 Art Historiography Research and writing on the history of Art History DAS
Art Stud 197 Special Topics DAS
Art Stud 198 Special Problems DAS
Art Stud 199 Research DAS
Art Stud 200 Thesis DAS
Art Stud 201 Image of the Filipino in the Arts DAS
Art Stud 202 Perspectives in Art Studies in the Philippines UPD, DAS
Art Stud 210 Philippine Art: Sources and Influences DAS
Art Stud 212 Aesthetics and Art Theories in Ancient and Modern Cultures DAS
Art Stud 213 Aesthetics and Art Theories in Contemporary Cultures DAS
Art Stud 240 Readings in Art History DAS
Art Stud 245 Readings in Aesthetics and Art Theory DAS
Art Stud 250 Art Historiography Writing Histories: Practices and Critiques of Art History and its Institutions. DAS
Art Stud 252 Seminar on Issues in Aesthetics and Art Theory DAS
Art Stud 255 Art Criticism DAS
Art Stud 270 Philippine Art and Society DAS
Art Stud 271 Philippine Traditional Arts DAS
Art Stud 271 Seminar in PhilippineTraditional Arts DAS
Art Stud 272 Philippine Painting DAS
Art Stud 273 Philippine Sculpture DAS
Art Stud 274 Philippine Cinema DAS
Art Stud 275 Philippine Music DAS
Art Stud 276 Philippine Dance DAS
Art Stud 277 Philippine Architecture DAS
Art Stud 281 Issues and Perspectives in Curatorial Studies in the Philippines The Nature, scope, history, philosophy and socio-cultural aspects of curatorial practice in the Philippine context. DAS
Art Stud 282 Government Framework for Museums and the Arts Political and economic frameworks which affect the formulation of government policies concerning museums and the arts. DAS
Art Stud 283 Arts Market and Audience The variables involved in the formation of the arts market and its audiences. DAS
Art Stud 284 Contexts of Curatorial Practice Focused study on contexts of curatorial practice through a research oriented, theory based and cross-disciplinary approach including managerial, logistic and capacity building aspects DAS
Art Stud 285 The Formation and Engagement of Publics in Curatorial Practice A study of programs and strategies to engage diverse publics. DAS
Art Stud 286 Models and Platforms of Curatorial Practice Developments, current trends, and various modes of curatorial practice and production DAS
Art Stud 298 Special Problems in Philippine Art DAS
Art Stud 299 Research DAS
Art Stud 300 Thesis DAS