Course Catalog
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Course code & No. | Course Title | Course Description | Offering Unit |
D 17 | Scale Model-making Techniques | Techniques and methods in the fabrication of hand-built scale models | VC |
D 18 | Digital Fabrication Techniques | Computer-controlled fabrication methods and techniques | VC |
D 19 | Basic Graphic Design | Fundamental concepts and applications of graphic design | VC |
D 20 | Design Studies I | VC | |
D 21 | Design Studies II | VC | |
D 22 | Techniques III | Computer-aided design and drafting for industrial design applications. | VC |
D 23 | Techniques IV | 3D digital imaging for design generation and presentation in industrial design. | VC |
D 24 | Industrial Design Workshop | Explorations in non-traditional media and techniques. | VC |
D 25 | Industrial Design Workshop II | Continuation of D 24. | VC |
D 26 | Materials III | The study and use of material in relation to contemporary design in industry. | VC |
D 27 | Materials IV | Continuation of D 26. | VC |
D 29 | Ergonomics | Fundamental concepts of human factors in design. | VC |
D 30 | Visual Interface Design | Study and application of the fundamental principles in the design of visually communicated information. | VC |
D 38 | Ergonomics | Fundamental concepts of human factors in design. | VC |
D 140 | Human Factors in Industrial Design I | Introductory studies and applications of human factors related to the practice of Industrial Design. | VC |
D 141 | Human Factors in Industrial Design II | Advanced studies and applications of human factors related to the practice of Industrial Design. | VC |
D 150 | Intermediate Industrial Design I | Design concepts, methodologies and theories of utilitarian forms. | VC |
D 151 | Intermediate Industrial Design II | Application of design theories and methodologies in the implementation of product design projects | VC |
D 152 | Advanced Industrial Design | Comprehensive problem analysis on definition and execution of product design projects. | VC |
D 160 | Package Design for Non-Food Products | Design concepts, methodologies and theories of packaging for non-food products | VC |
D 161 | Package Design for Food Products | Design concepts, methodologies and theories of packaging for food products | VC |
D 162 | Package Design III | Comprehensive problem analysis on structure and graphic production of package design projects. | VC |
D 170 | Furniture Design Using Natural Materials | Design concepts, methodologies and theories of furniture structures made of natural materials | VC |
D 171 | Furniture Design Using Processed Materials | Design concepts, methodologies and theories of furniture structures made of processed materials | VC |
D 193 | Professional Seminar/Workshop | VC | |
D 195 | Practicum | Apprenticeship in the Design Departments of agencies. | VC |
D 196 | Design Management | VC | |
D 197 | Special Topics in Industrial Design | VC | |
D 199 | Research in Industrial Design | Research on issues relating to industrial design | VC |
D 200 | Industrial Design Thesis | Industrial design research project in 145 any major area of specialization. | VC |
DBE 301 | Evolving and Emergent Architecture and Landscape Architecture Principles | The evolution of theories, principles and design concepts for the indoor and outdoor environments | Arch |
DBE 302 | Philosopical Foundations of Knowledge in the Designed and Built Environment | Knowledge creation following belief models in the realms of sociology and philosophy; Qualitative research for establishing what is real and what exists as bases for design interventions | Arch |
DBE 303 | Advanced Quantitative Research in the Designed and Built Environment | Quantitative modelling as bases for appiopriate design interventions | Arch |
DBE 311 | Advanced Studio Topic | Focused research and design studies involving complex systems, spaces and urban settings | Arch |
DBE 397 | Advanced Special Topics | Specialized topics on designed and built environment themes. | Arch |
DBE 400 | Dissertation | Arch | |
DE 201 | Economic Analysis I | The measurement, analysis, and control of aggregate economic activity; money and the price level; the role of government; models of the open economy; international trade and the balance of payments. | SE |
DE 202 | Economic Analysis II | The theory of consumer behavior and the theory of the firm; pricing and allocation of goods and factors of production in different market situations; economic efficiency and welfare considerations. | SE |
DE 206 | Quantitative Methods I | Mathematical tools for economic analysis and model building; applications to macroeconomic and microeconomic problems; optimization techniques. | SE |
DE 231 | Quantitative Methods II | The analysis of economic data; sample survey techniques; statistical tools for model estimation and forecasting; computer applications. | SE |
DE 241 | Trade Policy and Development | Theories of trade, trade protection, regionalism and multilaterism; relationship between trade and development; global trade governance; special issues affecting global trade. | SE |
DE 251 | Public Sector Economics for Development | Taxation, resource allocation, and welfare; public expenditures and collective consumption; efficiency and equity aspects of fiscal policy. | SE |
DE 252 | Local Public Economics | Economic analysis of local or sub-national governments and their roles in and contributions to economic development; public financial management and expenditure analysis; local government performance and innovations. | SE |
DE 253 | Project Analysis and Evaluation | Methods of project appraisal, selection, and post-evaluation from the private and social viewpoints; case studies of selected Philippine projects. | SE |
DE 291 | Growth, Poverty and Institutions | SE | |
DE 292 | Program Evaluation | Issues and experiences in economic development; techniques in program evaluation. | SE |
DE 293 | Institutional and Policy Analysis | Political economy of policymaking; impact of political institutions, power relations and social dynamics on the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies. | SE |
DE 298 | Special Problems in Development Economics | SE | |
DRMAPS | Disaster Risk Mitigation, Adaptation, and Preparedness Strategies | ICE | |
DS 301 | Foundations of Data Science | Data science history, concepts, and underlying philosophy, data cycle and handling and the associated legal & ethical frameworks | Stat-BGC, DSP-CS, AIP, Stat |
DS 396 | Graduate Seminar | Seminar course on recent work in developing concepts, tools, and methods in Data Science Prerequisite : DS 301 Foundations of Data Science | Stat, DSP-CS, Stat-BGC, AIP |
DS 397 | Special Topics in Data Science | Description: None Prerequisite : COI | Stat-BGC, Stat, DSP-CS, AIP |
DS 398 | Advanced Studies in Data Science | Conduct of directed, specific research on a problem in the field of specialization, preparation and submission of scientific manuscript in a highly reputable refereed journal Prerequisite : COI | Stat-BGC, Stat, AIP, DSP-CS |
DS 399 | Research Methods | Development and discussion of applicable research methods for and consideration of ethics in dissertation topic proposal Prerequisite : COI | Stat-BGC, Stat, AIP, DSP-CS |
DS 400 | PhD Dissertation | Stat-BGC, Stat, AIP, DSP-CS | |
Demo 1 | Population Studies in the Contemporary World | Demographic perspectives in understanding population issues | PopIns |
Demo 210 | Theory and Methods of Demography | PopIns | |
Demo 211 | Techniques of Demographic Analysis I | Demographic data sources, evaluation, and use. Analysis of population composition. Methods of measuring levels, trends and differentials of mortality, nuptiality, fertility and migration. Procedures for deriving population change and distribution. | PopIns |
Demo 212 | Techniques of Demographic Analysis II | Methods of data adjustment. Techniques of estimating demographic parameters on the basis of incomplete and complete data. Population models and alternative paths to stabilization. | PopIns |
Demo 220 | The Demography of Asia and the Pacific | Trends of population growth and prospects of future growth in the Asian and the Pacific region. Population dynamics and interrelationships with development. | PopIns |
Demo 221 | Population Growth and Economic Development | Analysis of factors involved in the economic development of nations with particular reference to population change. | PopIns |
Demo 223 | Demographic Aspects of the Work Force | PopIns | |
Demo 225 | Statistical Analysis of Population and Related Survey Data Using Statistical Software Packages | Univariate and bivariate statistical analyses of survey data for the study of population and related processes using statistical software packages. | PopIns |
Demo 226 | Advanced Statistical Analysis for Population and Related Processes Using Statistical Software Packages | Multivariate statistical techniques for analyses of population and related processes using statistical software packages. | PopIns |
Demo 230 | Population Program Evaluation | PopIns | |
Demo 240 | Population Policies and Programs | Review of policies and programs directly or indirectly affecting population; linkage of empirical findings with activities aimed at formulating specific policies, plans, and programs. | PopIns |
Demo 241 | Emerging Issues in Population | Analysis of socio-economic demographic inter-relationships brought about by recent demographic changes in the trends and patterns of fertility, mortality, migration, and nuptiality. | PopIns |
Demo 295 | Special Topics in Demography | Consideration of chief substantial areas of demography. Attention is given to the relations of population to other social, economic, and political factors. | PopIns |
Demo 295.1 | Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Nuptiality and Family Formation | PopIns | |
Demo 295.2 | Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Population Spatial Distribution | PopIns | |
Demo 295.3 | Special Topics in Demography: Family Planning Program Evaluation | PopIns | |
Demo 295.4 | Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Mortality | PopIns | |
Demo 295.5 | Special Topics in Demography: Techniques of Population Projection | PopIns | |
Demo 297.1 | Seminar in Population and Development I | Theoretical and methodological developments in the analysis of interrelationships of population, resources and environment. | PopIns |
Demo 297.2 | Seminar in Population and Development II | Theoretical and methodological development in the understanding of interrelationships of population, reproductive health, sexuality, epidemiologic transition, aging, and other population related issues and concerns. | PopIns |
Demo 298 | Applied Population Research | Applied research in population issues. | PopIns |
Demo 299 | Research Methods in Demography | Research proposal writing, data analysis and survey techniques appropriate to the field of demography. | PopIns |
Demo 300 | Master's Thesis | PopIns | |
Deutsch 201 | Kulturkunde (Contemporary German Culture) | DEL, DAS | |
Deutsch 210 | Burodeutsch (Business German in the Philippine Context) | DEL | |
Deutsch 220 | Geschichte der deutschen Literatur (History of German) | DEL | |
Deutsch 230 | Deutsch fur Fortgeschrittene (Advanced Oral and Written German) | DEL | |
Deutsch 260 | Deutsche Semantik (German Semantics) | DEL | |
Deutsch 270 | Ubersetzungswissenschaft (Theories of Translation) | DEL | |
Deutsch 271 | Praktische Ubersetzungsubungen (Translation of Selected Texts) | DEL | |
Deutsch 280 | Sprachlehr - und lernforschung DaF (Methodology of Teaching German as a Foreign Language) | DEL | |
Deutsch 290 | Kurse Mit Besonderer Themenstellung (Special Topics) | DEL | |
Deutsch 299 | Kolloquium (Areas and Techniques of Research) | DEL | |
Deutsch 300 | Magisterarbeit (Thesis) | DEL | |
Dutch 10 | Elementary Dutch | Pronunciation, grammar, easy readings, dictation and translation. | DEL |
Dutch 11 | Elementary Dutch | A continuation of Dutch 10. | DEL |
Dutch 12 | Intermediate Dutch | Advanced grammar, readings, dictation, translation, composition and conversation. | DEL |
Dutch 13 | Intermediate Dutch | A continuation of Dutch 12 | DEL |