Course Catalog

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Course code & No. Course Title Course Description Offering Unit
D 17 Scale Model-making Techniques Techniques and methods in the fabrication of hand-built scale models VC
D 18 Digital Fabrication Techniques Computer-controlled fabrication methods and techniques VC
D 19 Basic Graphic Design Fundamental concepts and applications of graphic design VC
D 20 Design Studies I VC
D 21 Design Studies II VC
D 22 Techniques III Computer-aided design and drafting for industrial design applications. VC
D 23 Techniques IV 3D digital imaging for design generation and presentation in industrial design. VC
D 24 Industrial Design Workshop Explorations in non-traditional media and techniques. VC
D 25 Industrial Design Workshop II Continuation of D 24. VC
D 26 Materials III The study and use of material in relation to contemporary design in industry. VC
D 27 Materials IV Continuation of D 26. VC
D 29 Ergonomics Fundamental concepts of human factors in design. VC
D 30 Visual Interface Design Study and application of the fundamental principles in the design of visually communicated information. VC
D 38 Ergonomics Fundamental concepts of human factors in design. VC
D 140 Human Factors in Industrial Design I Introductory studies and applications of human factors related to the practice of Industrial Design. VC
D 141 Human Factors in Industrial Design II Advanced studies and applications of human factors related to the practice of Industrial Design. VC
D 150 Intermediate Industrial Design I Design concepts, methodologies and theories of utilitarian forms. VC
D 151 Intermediate Industrial Design II Application of design theories and methodologies in the implementation of product design projects VC
D 152 Advanced Industrial Design Comprehensive problem analysis on definition and execution of product design projects. VC
D 160 Package Design for Non-Food Products Design concepts, methodologies and theories of packaging for non-food products VC
D 161 Package Design for Food Products Design concepts, methodologies and theories of packaging for food products VC
D 162 Package Design III Comprehensive problem analysis on structure and graphic production of package design projects. VC
D 170 Furniture Design Using Natural Materials Design concepts, methodologies and theories of furniture structures made of natural materials VC
D 171 Furniture Design Using Processed Materials Design concepts, methodologies and theories of furniture structures made of processed materials VC
D 193 Professional Seminar/Workshop VC
D 195 Practicum Apprenticeship in the Design Departments of agencies. VC
D 196 Design Management VC
D 197 Special Topics in Industrial Design VC
D 199 Research in Industrial Design Research on issues relating to industrial design VC
D 200 Industrial Design Thesis Industrial design research project in 145 any major area of specialization. VC
DBE 301 Evolving and Emergent Architecture and Landscape Architecture Principles The evolution of theories, principles and design concepts for the indoor and outdoor environments Arch
DBE 302 Philosopical Foundations of Knowledge in the Designed and Built Environment Knowledge creation following belief models in the realms of sociology and philosophy; Qualitative research for establishing what is real and what exists as bases for design interventions Arch
DBE 303 Advanced Quantitative Research in the Designed and Built Environment Quantitative modelling as bases for appiopriate design interventions Arch
DBE 311 Advanced Studio Topic Focused research and design studies involving complex systems, spaces and urban settings Arch
DBE 397 Advanced Special Topics Specialized topics on designed and built environment themes. Arch
DBE 400 Dissertation Arch
DE 201 Economic Analysis I The measurement, analysis, and control of aggregate economic activity; money and the price level; the role of government; models of the open economy; international trade and the balance of payments. SE
DE 202 Economic Analysis II The theory of consumer behavior and the theory of the firm; pricing and allocation of goods and factors of production in different market situations; economic efficiency and welfare considerations. SE
DE 206 Quantitative Methods I Mathematical tools for economic analysis and model building; applications to macroeconomic and microeconomic problems; optimization techniques. SE
DE 231 Quantitative Methods II The analysis of economic data; sample survey techniques; statistical tools for model estimation and forecasting; computer applications. SE
DE 241 Trade Policy and Development Theories of trade, trade protection, regionalism and multilaterism; relationship between trade and development; global trade governance; special issues affecting global trade. SE
DE 251 Public Sector Economics for Development Taxation, resource allocation, and welfare; public expenditures and collective consumption; efficiency and equity aspects of fiscal policy. SE
DE 252 Local Public Economics Economic analysis of local or sub-national governments and their roles in and contributions to economic development; public financial management and expenditure analysis; local government performance and innovations. SE
DE 253 Project Analysis and Evaluation Methods of project appraisal, selection, and post-evaluation from the private and social viewpoints; case studies of selected Philippine projects. SE
DE 291 Growth, Poverty and Institutions SE
DE 292 Program Evaluation Issues and experiences in economic development; techniques in program evaluation. SE
DE 293 Institutional and Policy Analysis Political economy of policymaking; impact of political institutions, power relations and social dynamics on the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies. SE
DE 298 Special Problems in Development Economics SE
DRMAPS Disaster Risk Mitigation, Adaptation, and Preparedness Strategies ICE
DS 301 Foundations of Data Science Data science history, concepts, and underlying philosophy, data cycle and handling and the associated legal & ethical frameworks Stat-BGC, DSP-CS, AIP, Stat
DS 396 Graduate Seminar Seminar course on recent work in developing concepts, tools, and methods in Data Science Prerequisite : DS 301 Foundations of Data Science Stat, DSP-CS, Stat-BGC, AIP
DS 397 Special Topics in Data Science Description: None Prerequisite : COI Stat-BGC, Stat, DSP-CS, AIP
DS 398 Advanced Studies in Data Science Conduct of directed, specific research on a problem in the field of specialization, preparation and submission of scientific manuscript in a highly reputable refereed journal Prerequisite : COI Stat-BGC, Stat, AIP, DSP-CS
DS 399 Research Methods Development and discussion of applicable research methods for and consideration of ethics in dissertation topic proposal Prerequisite : COI Stat-BGC, Stat, AIP, DSP-CS
DS 400 PhD Dissertation Stat-BGC, Stat, AIP, DSP-CS
Demo 1 Population Studies in the Contemporary World Demographic perspectives in understanding population issues PopIns
Demo 210 Theory and Methods of Demography PopIns
Demo 211 Techniques of Demographic Analysis I Demographic data sources, evaluation, and use. Analysis of population composition. Methods of measuring levels, trends and differentials of mortality, nuptiality, fertility and migration. Procedures for deriving population change and distribution. PopIns
Demo 212 Techniques of Demographic Analysis II Methods of data adjustment. Techniques of estimating demographic parameters on the basis of incomplete and complete data. Population models and alternative paths to stabilization. PopIns
Demo 220 The Demography of Asia and the Pacific Trends of population growth and prospects of future growth in the Asian and the Pacific region. Population dynamics and interrelationships with development. PopIns
Demo 221 Population Growth and Economic Development Analysis of factors involved in the economic development of nations with particular reference to population change. PopIns
Demo 223 Demographic Aspects of the Work Force PopIns
Demo 225 Statistical Analysis of Population and Related Survey Data Using Statistical Software Packages Univariate and bivariate statistical analyses of survey data for the study of population and related processes using statistical software packages. PopIns
Demo 226 Advanced Statistical Analysis for Population and Related Processes Using Statistical Software Packages Multivariate statistical techniques for analyses of population and related processes using statistical software packages. PopIns
Demo 230 Population Program Evaluation PopIns
Demo 240 Population Policies and Programs Review of policies and programs directly or indirectly affecting population; linkage of empirical findings with activities aimed at formulating specific policies, plans, and programs. PopIns
Demo 241 Emerging Issues in Population Analysis of socio-economic demographic inter-relationships brought about by recent demographic changes in the trends and patterns of fertility, mortality, migration, and nuptiality. PopIns
Demo 295 Special Topics in Demography Consideration of chief substantial areas of demography. Attention is given to the relations of population to other social, economic, and political factors. PopIns
Demo 295.1 Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Nuptiality and Family Formation PopIns
Demo 295.2 Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Population Spatial Distribution PopIns
Demo 295.3 Special Topics in Demography: Family Planning Program Evaluation PopIns
Demo 295.4 Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Mortality PopIns
Demo 295.5 Special Topics in Demography: Techniques of Population Projection PopIns
Demo 297.1 Seminar in Population and Development I Theoretical and methodological developments in the analysis of interrelationships of population, resources and environment. PopIns
Demo 297.2 Seminar in Population and Development II Theoretical and methodological development in the understanding of interrelationships of population, reproductive health, sexuality, epidemiologic transition, aging, and other population related issues and concerns. PopIns
Demo 298 Applied Population Research Applied research in population issues. PopIns
Demo 299 Research Methods in Demography Research proposal writing, data analysis and survey techniques appropriate to the field of demography. PopIns
Demo 300 Master's Thesis PopIns
Deutsch 201 Kulturkunde (Contemporary German Culture) DEL, DAS
Deutsch 210 Burodeutsch (Business German in the Philippine Context) DEL
Deutsch 220 Geschichte der deutschen Literatur (History of German) DEL
Deutsch 230 Deutsch fur Fortgeschrittene (Advanced Oral and Written German) DEL
Deutsch 260 Deutsche Semantik (German Semantics) DEL
Deutsch 270 Ubersetzungswissenschaft (Theories of Translation) DEL
Deutsch 271 Praktische Ubersetzungsubungen (Translation of Selected Texts) DEL
Deutsch 280 Sprachlehr - und lernforschung DaF (Methodology of Teaching German as a Foreign Language) DEL
Deutsch 290 Kurse Mit Besonderer Themenstellung (Special Topics) DEL
Deutsch 299 Kolloquium (Areas and Techniques of Research) DEL
Deutsch 300 Magisterarbeit (Thesis) DEL
Dutch 10 Elementary Dutch Pronunciation, grammar, easy readings, dictation and translation. DEL
Dutch 11 Elementary Dutch A continuation of Dutch 10. DEL
Dutch 12 Intermediate Dutch Advanced grammar, readings, dictation, translation, composition and conversation. DEL
Dutch 13 Intermediate Dutch A continuation of Dutch 12 DEL