Course Catalog

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(e.g., Math 11, Eng 1)

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Course code & No. Course Title Course Description Offering Unit
B 121 Video Procedures and Operations DBC
B 201 Critical Histories of Broadcast Media Critical perspectives on the histories of broadcast media with emphasis on sociopolitical, economic, and cultural contexts. GRADUATE
B 202 Critical History of Fiction texts in Philippine Broadcast and Related Media A historical survey that explores, examines, and interrogates the contexts, conventions, traditions, themes, and directions of fiction texts such as drama and comedy from the advent of radio and television to contemporary media. GRADUATE
B 203 Critical History of Non-Fiction Texts in Philippine Broadcast and Related Media A historical survey that explores, examines, and interrogates the contexts, conventions, traditions, themes, and directions of non-fiction texts from the advent of radio and television to contemporary media. GRADUATE
B 206 Comparative Laws and Policies in Broadcast Media A comparative survey of the systems, laws, and state policies affecting the broadcast and related media in selected countries, including intellectual property rights. GRADUATE
B 210 The Producer and the Creative Process The creative aspects of producing critical broadcast texts including idea generation, writing, directing, acting, videography, and sound and production design. GRADUATE
B 211 The Broadcast Writer The creative aspects of writing for various forms of broadcast texts in the age of convergence. GRADUATE
B 212 Broadcast Documentary Production The critical examination of conventions and the production of innovative broadcast documentaries. GRADUATE
B 214 Broadcast Fiction Production The critical examination of conventions and the production of innovative broadcast fiction programs. GRADUATE
B 216 Broadcast Non-Fiction Production The critical examination of conventions and the production of innovative non-fiction programs. GRADUATE
B 232 Broadcast and Simulated Realities Critical interrogations of broadcast and new media content, video games, and other interactive media as text. GRADUATE
B 240 Broadcast Criticism The application of formalism, content, analysis, Marxism, feminism, semiotics, structuralism, narrative, theory, poststructuralism, postmodernism, postcolonialism, cultural studies, queer studies, and gender studies to criticisms of broadcast texts. GRADUATE
B 242 Broadcast Audience Studies Perspectives and methods in analyzing different conceptualization of audiences: mass audience to specific publics; receivers of messages to readers of text; audience as market to audience as commodity; passive to interactive audiences; patterns of audience consumption to audiences in a situated culture; and listeners and viewers to fans. GRADUATE
B 260 Ethnography and Field Work in Broadcast Research A critical survey and examination of the contexts and the presuppositories of approaches to ethnography and field work as methods of broadcast research. GRADUATE
B 264 Transmedia Narratives in Broadcast Texts and Related Media An investigation of the adoption, adaptation, transformation, and appropriation of forms and texts from literature, cybermedia, the visual arts, the performing arts, and related genres to broadcast and transmedia texts. GRADUATE
B 265 Development Discourses in Broadcast and Related Media A critical survey and examination of diverse bodies of discourse about development in local and global settings as produced by broadcast and related media. GRADUATE
B 270 The Business and Management of the Broadcast Media A critical examination of the management of the broadcast media as an industry and an enterprise. GRADUATE
B 272 Broadcast Media Programming Programming in a world of media convergence. GRADUATE
B 297 Special Topics GRADUATE
B 298 Special Problems GRADUATE
B Ind/Mal 10 Elementaring Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I (Elementary Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 11 Elementaring Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II (Elementary Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 12 Intermidyet na Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I (Intermediate Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 13 Intermidyet na Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II (Intermediate Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 100 Advans na Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I (Advanced Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 101 Advans na Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II (Advanced Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 110 Mga Babasahin sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia (Readings in Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia) Lingg
B Ind/Mal 111 Advans na Komposisyon sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia (Advanced Composition in Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia) Lingg
BA 99.1 Fundamental Accounting Theory and Practice I DAF, SE
BA 99.2 Fundamental Accounting Theory and Practice II DAF, DBA, SE
BA 101 Introduction to Business Management Principles and practices in business management; an overview of the functional areas of business; an introduction to case problem-solving DBA, HRIM
BA 102 Philippine Business Environment DBA
BA 103 Introduction to Research in Business Research methods in business DBA
BA 104 Human Behavior in Organizations DBA
BA 105 Operations Management DBA
BA 106 Fundamentals of Project Management Concepts, tools and techniques in project management and project finance. DBA
BA 107 Management of Technology DBA
BA 108 Special Topics in Operations Management DBA
BA 114.1 Accounting Theory and Practice I DAF
BA 114.2 Accounting Theory and Practice II DAF
BA 115 Management Accounting DAF
BA 116 Cost Accounting DAF
BA 117 Managerial Cost Accounting and Control DAF
BA 118.1 Advanced Accounting I Fundamental accounting theory applied to special organizations, i.e., partnerships, not-for-profit organizations, government entities, small- and medium-sized enterprises and other special business entities; Home Office and Branch Accounting DAF
BA 118.2 Advanced Accounting II Accounting for revenue recognition, effect of changes in foreign exchange, financial instruments and derivatives, and accounting for specialized industries. DAF
BA 118.3 Advanced Accounting III Accounting for associates, joint arrangements and subsidiaries; accounting for business combinations, consolidated financial statements, segment reporting and other updates in financial reporting standards DAF
BA 119 Special Topics in Accounting DAF
BA 121 Accounting Systems DAF
BA 122.1 Auditing Theory and Practice I DAF
BA 122.2 Auditing Theory and Practice II DAF
BA 123 Public Accounting Practice DAF
BA 124 Fundamentals of Business Taxation The application of laws and regulations governing different types of taxes that affect business. DAF
BA 126 Principles of Controllership The controllership function; characteristics of management control systems; the tools and techniques for planning and decision making; financial planning policies and problems; motivation and control in organizations; corporate governance and business ethics. DAF
BA 127 Tax Accounting I DAF
BA 128 Tax Accounting II DAF
BA 129 Management Services The management of consultancy projects; preparation of feasibility studies and project evaluation; industry studies and other applied business research. DAF
BA 132 Financial Institutions DAF
BA 133 Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Principles of risk management for individuals and organizations; the structure of the insurance industry, and the financial aspects of insurance companies and markets. DAF
BA 141 Business Finance I DAF
BA 142 Business Finance II Long-range planning and management of the long-term financial position of a local and multinational business organization; recapitalization and liquidation DBA, DAF
BA 145 Investments Principles and practice of security analysis, valuation, financial modeling and portfolio management. DAF
BA 146 Special Topics in Finance DAF
BA 147 Fundamentals of Derivative Securities Study of the basic theory, valuation methods, and practical applications of derivative securities. DAF
BA 148 Special Topics in Finance DBA, DAF, SE
BA 151 Human Behavior in Organizations The concepts and principles of behavior in business organizations. DBA
BA 152 Introduction to Human Resource Management Basic principles and frameworks in the management of acquisition, development and movement of human resources in organizations DBA
BA 158 Special Topics in Human Resource Management DBA
BA 160 Business Law DAF, DBA
BA 161 Law on Business Transactions The Constitution, Obligations and Contracts, sales, quasi-delicts, damages, lease, all special laws including presidential decrees and administrative regulations pertinent thereto. DAF, SE
BA 162 Law on Business Organizations Agency, single proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, conglomerates, joint ventures, multinationals, securities act, insolvency law, civil code provisions on orders of preference and concurrence of credits, licensing of foreign corporations and cooperatives, and pertinent laws, rules and regulations administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Board of Investment, Central Bank, Board of Domestic Trade and other government agencies. DAF
BA 164 Negotiable Instruments and Insurance Negotiable Instruments, Warehouse Receipts Law, Document of Title under the Civil Code, Insurance Law, Deposit. DAF
BA 165 Law on Labor and Labor Relations Constitutional provisions on labor, Labor Code, as amended, Government protection and promotion of Overseas Labor, Allied Labor laws, Agrarian Reforms. DBA
BA 166 The Law on Sales, Agency, and Other Business Transactions The legal framework governing contracts of sales, agency, loans, guaranty, pledge and mortgage; negotiable instruments and other laws affecting business transactions. DAF
BA 167 Laws on Governing the Financial System All banking laws including the Central Bank Act, the General Banking Act and laws governing other specialized financial institutions, government owned or controlled and partly private owned; Investment Houses, Offshore Banking units, PCDUs, Guarantee and Insurance of lending institutions, Central Bank regulations on interest rates. DBA
BA 168 Special Topics in Business Law DAF
BA 170 Marketing Management Principles, practices & development of integrated marketing programs. DBA
BA 170 Marketing DBA
BA 172 Marketing Communications Planning, managing & evaluating the communication mix-advertising, sales, promotion, packaging, public relations & personal selling. DBA
BA 173 Consumer Behavior Psychological, economic, anthropological & sociological perspectives in understanding the consumer and in designing marketing programs. DBA
BA 173 Retail Store Management DBA
BA 174 Marketing Research Principles & methods used in the systematic & objective search for & analysis of information relevant to identification & solution of marketing problems. DBA
BA 175 Global Marketing Principles & practices in the marketing of goods & services across borders in the context of a dynamic international business environment. DBA
BA 176 Distribution Management Principles & practices in the management of retail & wholesale enterprises; merchandising; store operations, promotion, & control. DBA
BA 177 Product Management Developing & managing brands, products or product lines including development, product launch & product portfolio assessment; maintaining brand equity & leveraging strong bands across line extensions & categories. DBA
BA 178 Special Topics in Marketing Management DBA
BA 179 Consumer Behavior Application of the behavioral sciences in understanding consumer behavior and buying decision as they relate to solutions of marketing problems. Emphasis on Filipino consumer behavior. DBA
BA 180 Business Statistics Time series analysis, probability and sampling. DBA
BA 180.1 Information Technology in Business I Information and communication technology concepts and tools; business process applications of software packages. DBA, SE
BA 180.2 Information Technology in Business II Advanced applications of information & communication technology concepts & tools in management decision making and practice; technology evaluation & management issues. DBA
BA 181 Management Science I Analysis & solution of management problems; deterministic model such as linear & integer programming, transportation, assignment, inventory management, & project management models. DBA
BA 182 Management Science II Analysis & solution of management problems; stochastic models; decision theory, Markov processes, queueing, simulation, forecasting, regression, & other statistical applications. DBA
BA 183 Computer Methods and Applications The uses of computers in the solution of management problems. Includes programming solutions to quantitative problems, simulation, experimentation, and basic decision model-building DBA
BA 184 Software Packages in Business Familiarization with various software packages in selected business applications. DBA
BA 186 Systems Analysis and Design Principles & methods for analyzing, designing & developing different types of business & management systems. DBA
BA 188 Seminar in Business Economics DBA
BA 190 Strategic Management An integrated approach to decision making viewed from a top management perspective; discussion of comprehensive problems of organizations. DBA
BA 191 Information Resource Management Strategic approaches to the integration & management of information, with emphasis on top management involvement, hardware, telecommunications, & human resources. DBA
BA 192 Entrepreneurship Principles, problems, & practical aspects of entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship; innovation & new business formations in start-up or corporate settings. DBA
BA 193 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Principles, concepts and best practices of controlling and managing the relationship and interests of the firm’s primary stakeholders (shareholders, board of directors and top management); application of ethical decision making in business organizations. DBA
BA 194 Fundamentals of International Business Theories, trends, practices and constraints in international business environment, international trade and investment; strategies in the development of international operations and management problems of multinational enterprises. DBA
BA 197 Reading Course in Business Administration Individual work on special topics not included in the announced course offering. DBA
BA 198 Special Topics in Business Administration Special topics in the field of business administration. DBA
BA 199 Business Practice DBA
BA 200 Business Research DBA
BA 201 A Macroeconomics and Economic Policies, Part I Macroeconomic theories are developed to provide the analytical framework for business analysis. The theories of income determination and employment are discussed and the probable effects of contemporary economic policies are analyzed. An introduction to economic development and an analysis of recent governmental policies for economic growth are also discussed. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 201 B Macroeconomics and Economic Policies, Part II Recent monetary, banking, fiscal, and international economic policies are analyzed to show their probable effects on business activities. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 201 Economic Analysis Economic theory and policy with reference to the Philippine business environment. DAF-BGC, DAF, DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 202 Microeconomics Price theory is developed to provide the analytical framework for business analysis. Commodity and factor pricing in different market situations are discussed. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 203 Managerial Economics DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 204 Public Control of Business A study of various business-government problems and relations arising from the administration of public policy towards business. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 205 Labor Economics and Labor Relations The factors which influence employment, productivity, and wages in the Philippines are discussed including the Philippine Labor Movement. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 206 Industrial Organization An analysis of firm and industry behavior under various market conditions and a study of various business-government problems and relations arising from the administration and public policy towards business. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 207 Macroeconomics Macroeconomic theories are developed to provide the analytical framework for business analysis. The theories of income determination and employment are discussed and the probable effects of contemporary economic policies are analyzed. An introduction to economic development and an analysis of recent governmental policies for economic growth are also discussed. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 208 Economics of Investment and Technology Theory of interest and investment, optimum use of capital, relation of present input to future output, problems in equipment design, machine replacement, choice of equipment and research programming. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 209 Economic Development The theory of economic development and an examination of recent public policies for economic growth. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 210 Topics in Business Economics An investigation into some modern techniques of economic analysis. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 210 Business Economics Deals with the principles and tools of economic analysis and the Philippine economy. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 211 Management Science Analysis and solution of management problems; decision theory, linear & integer programming, transportation, assignment, inventory & network models, queueing, statistical process control, & forecasting. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 212 Quantitative Methods in Business II DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 213 Applied Management Science The application of operations research/management science techniques & models to specific business problems. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 214 Philippine Business Environment Sociological, technological, legal, psychological, economic, and other external forces which influence business decision-making in the Philippines. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 215 Basic Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions Mathematical and statistical techniques for sound business decisions, particularly in the functional areas of management. Balances the technical and managerial aspects of model-building, and focuses on the applicability of quantitative approaches to usual business problems. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 219 Corporate Financial Reporting DAF-BGC, DAF
BA 220 Management Accounting Principles, tools and techniques for the generation and use of accounting information for management decision-making, including financial analysis of specialized industries. DBA, DAF, DBA-BGC, DAF-BGC
BA 220 Managerial Accounting and Control I Financial accounting policy within the framework of accounting conventions; principles, measurements and procedures for internal control and for the preparation of public reports and management's use of financial accounting data. DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 221 Management Control Systems DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 222 Financial Management I Short-range financial analysis and planning, and the management of the working capital of a business organization. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 223 Financial Management II Long-range financial planning and the management of the long-term financial position of a business organization. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 226 Controllership DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 228 Management of Financial Institutions DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 229 Management Services The work of a management consultant; project evaluation; preparation of feasibility studies; incorporation preparation and analysis of different functional areas like marketing. finance and production, management and operational audits, project management and other similar areas of management services. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 230 Marketing Management Principles & practices of marketing; planning, implementation & control of marketing programs. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 231 Marketing Management II DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 232 Fundamentals of Marketing Management The basic nature of the marketing philosophy (the marketing concept), market opportunities and threats, marketing strengths and weaknesses, and the major marketing program. Inclusion of a "strategy" (versus a tool") orientation shall develop a deeper understanding of the processes involved in marketing strategy formulation and implementation. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 233 Marketing Communication Design, management & evaluation of the communication mix-advertising, sales promotion, packaging, public relations & personal selling. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 234 Marketing Research and Analysis Principles and methods of marketing research and appraisal of the results. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 234.1 Consumer Behavior Study of the consumer's decision making and behavior during the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of products and services. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 235 Services Marketing and Management Theory and practice in the marketing and management of services; service encounters/experiences. service design and delivery; service quality and customer satisfaction; managing people in service organization. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 236 Global Marketing Management Marketing of goods and services across national borders in the context of a dynamic international business environment. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 237 Special Topics in Marketing Management Selected problems in marketing. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 238 Entrepreneurship Innovation & new business formations in independent & corporate settings. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 239 Management of Small Business DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 240 Operations Management Strategic & tactical decisions in manufacturing & service operations; design & management of products, processes, facilities & systems; quality management. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 241 Production and Operations Management II The scope and responsibilities of the production/operations management function, with special emphasis on directing and controlling production operations. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 242 Fundamentals of Production and Operations Management The scope and responsibilities of the production and operations management function- planning, organizing and assembling of resources as well as the directing and controlling of production operations of activities in manufacturing or service organizations. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 243 Management of Innovation The firm's research & development (R&D) strategy; the innovation process and its organizational, financial and legal implications. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 244 Logistics Management Principles, methods and applications in the management of the flow of products and materials through the supply chain, including the associated flow of information. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 246 Seminar in Operations Management DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 247 Special Topics in Operations Management DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 250 Law in Business Transaction Study of the fundamental legal concepts and their application to business transactions. DAF, DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF-BGC
BA 251 Organizational Behavior Individual & group behavior in organizations, including leadership, interpersonal processes, organizational design & organizational culture. VSB, DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 252 Human Resource Management The management of acquisition, development and movement of human resources in organization. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 253 Labor Laws and Collective Bargaining DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 255 Organizational Development and Change Management Analysis of various interventions to facilitate organizational change in formal & informal organizations. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 256 Seminar in Human Resource Management Analysis & discussion of contemporary issues, problems & topics in human resource management. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 257 Special Topics in Human Resource Management DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 260 Money and Banking DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 262 International Finance DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 265 Introduction to Agribusiness DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 266 Law in Agribusiness DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 270 Agribusiness Management Analysis of major agricultural commodity systems; opportunity assessment & management problems of firms in agricultural industries. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 274 Knowledge Management in Organizations Strategies for capturing and sharing an organization's knowledge: the process of generation, organization, development and distribution of knowledge including data mining, warehousing & generating competitive intelligence. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 280.1 Fundamentals of Financial Management Application of financial analysis tools to short-term & long-term concerns of financial management; firm and shareholder value & the risk-return trade-offs of the firm's financial policies DBA, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 280.2 Corporate Finance and Financial Markets DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 281 Options and Other Derivatives Basic theory, principles, characteristics, valuation, and risk management applications of derivative securities. DBA, DBA-BGC, DAF, DAF-BGC
BA 282 Advanced Corporate Finance Extensions of basic finance theories and their applications in financing and investment decisions; covers mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, securities financing, financial restructuring, and project finance. DAF, DAF-BGC, DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 284 Investment Management Deals with case problems on investment analysis and management for individuals and institutions. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 286 Management of Information Technology The uses & potentials of information technology in managing organizations. Information technology (IT) concepts, frameworks & practices in organizations; managing organizational & interorganizational systems; social, political, legal, & ethical issues of IT. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 287 Special Topics in Financial Management DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 290 General Management A holistic approach to analyzing & solving operating problems in business at various levels of the organization. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 291.1 Strategic Management I Strategy concepts & practices; environmental and organizational analyses in formulating corporate strategy. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 291.2 Strategic Management II Strategy implementation-sustaining & enhancing corporate governance & performance; building organizational capabilities & relationships; evolving structure & control systems; ( managing organizational culture & change. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 297 Special Topics in Strategic Management DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 301 Business Economics I The economic environment of enterprise. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 302 Microeconomic Analysis Consumer choice; choice under uncertainty; analysis of firm behavior; market structure; principal-agent problem; general equilibrium, public goods & externalities. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 303 Macroeconomic Analysis Macroeconomic theory; schools of though in microeconomics; growth theory; financial market systems. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 311 Management Science I Deterministic and stochastic models applied to business. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 312 Management Science II DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 313 Econometric Analysis Single and simultaneous equation regression estimation using time series data, cross-section data and panel data; estimation with qualitative dependent variables; generalized method of moments. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 314 Seminar in Philippine Business Environment Sociological, technological, legal, psychological, economic and other external factors which influence managerial decision-making in the Philippines DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 315 Special Topics in Management Science DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 320 Financial Theory Basic portfolio theory; static and dynamic asset pricing theories; analysis of financial markets. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 321 Risk Analysis Risk measurement and modeling including value at risk; options and other financial derivatives; credit, market, operational and integrated risk management strategies. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 322 International Finance Open-economy macroeconomics; exchange rate regimes; international capital markets. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 323 Corporate Finance Capital budgeting; theory of capital structure; corporate governance, corporate control and capital restructuring. DAF-BGC, DAF
BA 325 Special Topics in Finance This will cover such topics as strategic long-term financing decisions, international finance, mergers, and restructuring, financial futures and derivatives, and taxation and regulations. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 330 Marketing Decision Models Empirical models of consumer behavior and markets. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 335 Special Topics in Marketing DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 350 Organization Theory Behavioral concepts as applied to organizations DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 390 Business Policy Strategy formulation and implementation at the firm level. DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 391 Industrial Organization Exercise of monopoly power; degrees of price discrimination; Short-run price competition; dynamic price competition through product differentiation; information and strategic behavior. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 392 Regulation and Public Policy Economic, political, and legal foundation of public regulation; benefits and costs of regulation, effects of regulation, alternatives to regulation, and the issues of regulatory reform and deregulation. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 394 Empirical Methods in Business Policy The interaction of the firm with the macroenvironment; research concepts and scientific methods; formulation of hypotheses, measurement concepts and multivariate analytical tools. Blend of behavioral science and quantitative approaches in the research applications. DBA, DAF-BGC, DBA-BGC, DAF
BA 395 Special Topics in Business Policy DBA-BGC, DBA
BA 397 Individual Study DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 398 Seminar Presentation, integration, and discussion of seminar papers. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 students will be required to present at least four (4) papers each. DBA, DBA-BGC
BA 400 Dissertation Research DBA-BGC, DBA
BC 101 Radio Production and Direction DBC
BC 103 Fundamentals of Radio Writing DBC
BC 106 Music in Broadcasting DBC
BC 121 Television Production and Direction DBC
BC 122 Writing Dramatic Materials for Television and Related Media DBC
BC 125 Television Production Design DBC
BC 130 Program Planning and Building DBC
BC 131 Computer Applications in the Broadcast Media DBC
BC 136 Broadcast Advertising DBC
BC 146 Non-linear Post Production for Video DBC
BC 148 Interactive Broadcasting DBC
BC 174 Broadcast Marketing and Promotion DBC
BC 181 Criticism of Broadcast Texts DBC
BC 182 Broadcast Audience Studies DBC
BC 185 Broadcast Media Studies DBC
BC 190 Broadcast Management DBC
BC 196 Special Topics in Broadcasting DBC
BC 197 Special Projects in Broadcasting DBC
BC 198 Internship DBC
BC 199 Research in Broadcasting DBC
BC 200 Thesis DBC
BC 214 Broadcast Management GRADUATE
BIO 1 Contemporary Topics in Biology IB
BIO 11 Fundamentals of Biology I IB
BIO 11.1 Fundamentals of Biology I Laboratory Experiments and exercises in fundamentals of biology from molecular and cellular levels up to organ systems of organization IB
BIO 12 Fundamentals of Biology II IB
BIO 12.1 Fundamentals of Biology II Laboratory Experiments and exercises in fundamentals of biology including reproduction and development, genetics, systematics, evolution and ecology IB
BIO 100 Statistical Methods in Biology IB
BIO 101 Plant Morphoanatomy IB
BIO 102 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy IB
BIO 102.1 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory IB
BIO 110 Introduction to Systematic Biology IB
BIO 111 Phycology IB
BIO 112 Mycology IB
BIO 113 Fundamentals of Virology IB
BIO 114 Mosses, Hepatics and Ferns IB
BIO 115 Taxonomy of Angiosperms IB
BIO 116 Invertebrate Biology IB
BIO 116.1 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory IB
BIO 117 Vertebrate Biology IB
BIO 118 Insect Biology IB
BIO 119 Fish Biology IB
BIO 120 General Microbiology IB
BIO 121 Plant Physiology IB
BIO 122 Animal Physiology IB
BIO 122.1 Animal Physiology Laboratory IB
BIO 123 Fundamentals of Microbial Physiology IB, IB
BIO 124 Radiation Biology IB
BIO 125 Medical Microbiology IB, IB
BIO 130 Plant Developmental Biology IB
BIO 131 Plant Developmental Biology IB
BIO 132 Animal Developmental Biology IB
BIO 132.1 Animal Developmental Biology Laboratory IB
BIO 133 Developmental Biology IB, IB
BIO 134 General Animal Histology IB
BIO 140 Fundamentals of Genetics IB
BIO 140.1 Fundamentals of Genetics Laboratory IB
BIO 141 Fundamentals of Microbial Genetics IB
BIO 141 Fundamentals of Microbial Genetics IB
BIO 142 Fundamentals of Cytogenetics IB
BIO 150 Fundamentals of Cell and Molecular Biology IB
BIO 150.1 Fundamentals of Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory IB
BIO 151 Fundamentals of Immunobiology IB
BIO 151 Fundamentals of Immunobiology IB
BIO 160 Fundamentals of Ecology IB
BIO 160.1 Fundamentals of Ecology Laboratory IB
BIO 161 Field Biology IB
BIO 162 Limnology IB
BIO 163 Fundamentals of Microbial Ecology IB, IB
BIO 164 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology IB
BIO 165 Biogeography IB
BIO 166 Restoration Ecology IB
BIO 170 Animal Behavior IB
BIO 171 General Parasitology IB
BIO 172 Systematics and Ecology of Animal Parasites IB
BIO 173 Parasitology IB
BIO 182 Computer Methods in Biology IB
BIO 183 Microtechnique IB
BIO 184 Economic Botany IB
BIO 185 Plant Materials for Urban Areas IB
BIO 191 Systematics and Evolution IB
BIO 193 Evolutionary Ecology IB
BIO 196 Undergraduate Seminar IB
BIO 200a Undergraduate Thesis I IB
BIO 200b Undergraduate Thesis II IB
BIO 200 Undergraduate Thesis IB
BIO 210 Advanced Systematics IB
BIO 210 Systematics IB
BIO 220 Chemical Physiology IB
BIO 221 Advanced Plant Physiology IB, IB
BIO 224 Stress Physiology IB
BIO 230 Differentiation in Embryonic Systems IB, IB
BIO 231 Plant Histology IB
BIO 232 Advances in Plant Developmental Biology IB, IB
BIO 233 Advances in Animal Developmental Biology IB, IB
BIO 234 Developmental Morphology of Vascular Plants IB
BIO 235 Plant Morphogenesis IB
BIO 240 Advanced Genetics IB
BIO 241 Advanced Molecular Genetics IB
BIO 242 Cytogenetics IB
BIO 243 Population Genetics IB
BIO 244 Advanced Evolutionary Genetics IB, IB
BIO 250 Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology IB
BIO 251 Advanced Immunobiology IB
BIO 260 Advanced Ecology IB
BIO 262 Freshwater Ecology IB
BIO 263 Terrestrial Ecology IB
BIO 265 Advanced Biogeography IB
BIO 269 Research in Ecology IB
BIO 271 Advanced Parasitology IB
BIO 281 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis IB
BIO 296 Seminar IB
BIO 297 Critique on Evolution IB
BIO 299 Research in Biology IB, IB
BIO 300 M.S. Thesis IB
BIO 321 Current Topics in Physiology IB
BIO 322 Advanced Animal Physiology IB, IB
BIO 324 Special Problems in Radiation Biology IB
BIO 329 Advanced Research in Physiology IB
BIO 331 Current Topics in Developmental Biology IB
BIO 351 Current Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology IB
BIO 359 Advanced Research in Cell and Molecular Biology IB
BIO 369 Advanced Research in Ecology IB
BIO 395 Advanced Studies in Biology Conduct of actual research, preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced research problem in Biology, and submission of manuscript in a highly reputed journal (e.g. Thomson Reuters indexed) journal for peer review. IB
BIO 397 Current Topics in Biology IB, IB
BIO 399 Independent Doctoral Research in Biology IB, IB
BIO 400 PhD Dissertation IB
BJ 101 Introduction to Broadcast Journalism OCS
BJ 110 Radio News Production DJourn, OCS
BJ 120 Television News Production OCS, DJourn
BJ 130 Issues in Broadcast News and Public Affairs Programs Critical examination of the issues in the production, circulation, and reception of broadcast news and public affairs programs DBC
BJ 170 Broadcast Newsroom Management DJourn, OCS
BM 142 Business Finance II Long-range planning & management of the long term financial position of a business organization; recapitalization & liquidation UPDEPP/O
BMAS 100 Introduction to Broadcast Media Studies Histories and concepts in broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 102 Aural Language in Broadcast Media Theories and practices of aural language in broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 103 Visual Language in Broadcast Media Theories and practices of visual language in broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 105 Ethics in Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 107 Writing for Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 108 Presentation Skills in Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 109 Political Economy of Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 110 Ideation in Broadcast Media Generation of creative ideas for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 111 Videography in Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 112 Production for Broadcast Media I Principles and techniques of producing live programs for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 113 Production for Broadcast Media II DBC
BMAS 116 Producing Live Radio and Related Media Programs DBC
BMAS 120 Historiography of Broadcast Media Critical perspectives in the histories of broadcast media DBC
BMAS 121 Digital and Emerging Media in Broadcast Contexts Concepts, methods, and issues in digital and emerging media in broadcast contexts DBC
BMAS 123 Criticism of Broadcast Media Texts DBC
BMAS 125 Audience Studies in Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 126 Programming for Broadcast Media Principles, practices, and strategies in programming for broadcast media DBC
BMAS 131 Writing Non-Dramatic Audio Entertainment Materials for Broadcast Principles and techniques in writing non-dramatic audio entertainment materials for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 132 Writing Audio Drama for Broadcast Media Principles and techniques in writing audio dramatic materials for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 133 Writing Non-Dramatic Video Entertainment Materials for Broadcast Media Principles and techniques in writing non-dramatic video entertainment materials for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 134 Writing Video Drama for Broadcast Media Principles and techniques in writing video dramatic materials for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 135 Writing Video Comedy for Broadcast Media Principles and techniques in writing video comedy for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 136 Performance for Broadcast Media Principles and techniques of performance for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 138 Producing Instructional Materials for Broadcast Media Production of instructional materials for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 140 Sound Design for Broadcast Media Principles and techniques of sound design for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 141 Music in Broadcast Media Principles and techniques in the use of music in broadcast, digital, and emerging media productions DBC
BMAS 142 Television Production Design DBC
BMAS 143 Editing for Broadcast Media Editing for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 144 Interactive Broadcasting Principles and techniques of producing materials for interactive media DBC
BMAS 146 Documentary for Broadcast Media Conceptualization and production of documentaries for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 147 Live Production for Broadcast Media Principles, procedures, and practices in live productions for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 148 Audio Design Projects for Broadcast Media Production of exploratory audio projects for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 149 Video Design Project for Broadcast Media Production of exploratory video projects for broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 160 Production Management for Broadcast Media Role of the production management team in relation to the production of broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 161 Institution Management for Broadcast Media Critical examination of the issues in the management of broadcast media institutions DBC
BMAS 162 Marketing and Promotion for Broadcast Media Principles of marketing as applied to the promotional content of broadcast, digital, and emerging media programs DBC
BMAS 163 Advertising in Broadcast Media Issues in advertising and the broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 181 Development Discourses and Broadcast Media Critical examination of development discourses in broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 196 Special Topics in Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 197 Special Projects in Broadcast Media DBC
BMAS 198 Internship DBC
BMAS 199 Research in Broadcast Media Research in broadcast, digital, and emerging media DBC
BMAS 199.1 Capstone Project An independent production project that applies writing, production, and critical thinking skills DBC
BMAS 200 Thesis DBC
Banking 120 Banking and Business DBA
Banking 121 Financial Management DBA
Banking 122 Risk and Risk Bearing DBA
Banking 123 Credits and Collections DBA
Banking 124 Banking Practice DBA
Banking 125 Investment Banking DBA
Banking 127 Bank Management DBA
Banking 128 Mortgage Banking DBA
Banking 141 Business Statistic II DBA
Banking 220 Corporation Finance I An advanced course dealing with the financial problems of the modern business corporation of considerable size. DBA-BGC, DBA
Banking 221 Corporation Finance II Continuation of Banking 220. DBA-BGC, DBA
Banking 224 Bank Management An intensive course dealing with the problems and policies which come to the general executives of the departmental executives of a commercial bank. DBA-BGC, DBA
Bio 243 Population Genetics IB
Bio 271 Advanced Parasitology IB
Bio 281 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis IB
Bioethics 201 Foundations and Approaches to Bioethics Approaches to moral problems in health care and biomedical research. Philo
Bioethics 202 Ethical Theories in Bioethics Philosophical theories and ethical concepts in relation to biomedical issues. Philo
Bioethics 211 Social Justice, Rights and Ethics Theories of justice related to bioethical issues and guidelines. Philo
Bioethics 212 Law and Biothics Philo
Bioethics 221 Social, Political, and Policy Contexts of Bioethics in Asia and the Pacific Philo
Bioethics 222 Culture in Bioethics An anthropological and socio-historical survey of ethical concepts in various cultures. Philo
Bioethics 223 Gender and Bioethics Application of gender theories, including feminist approaches, to bioethics. Philo
Bioethics 224 Bioethics and International Health Bioethical issues in the development and implementation of international health programs, priorities, and policies. Philo
Bioethics 231 Moral Reasoning and Analytical Techniques in Bioethics Moral reasoning and analytical methods applied in clinical research situations. Philo
Bioethics 280 Bioethics Practicum Applied experience in ethics consultation, research ethics review, or health policy development and administration. Philo
Bioethics 291 Research and Ethics A survey of qualitative and quantitative methods used in biomedical and social science researches, with special emphasis on the ethical implications of methodologies involved. Philo
Bioethics 292 Research Ethics Review Biomedical and social science research ethics review and ethical analysis of guidelines and covenants. Philo
Bioethics 298 Special Topics in Bioethics Philo
Bioethics 300.1 Master's Thesis Philo
Bioethics 300.2 Masters Thesis Philo
Bioinfo 201 Foundations of Bioinformatics Foundational biological and computational concepts, algorithms and bioinformatics tools for analyzing data Prerequisite: None DCS
Bioinfo 202 Statistics for Bioinformatics Concepts in probability theory, sampling distributions, statistical methods and theories for proper testing and evaluation of methods and output of bioinformatics analyses Prerequisite: COI DCS
Bioinfo 203 Bioinformatics Software Engineering Bioinformatics software development and engineering methods and processes, and case studies for bioinformatics applications Prerequisite: COI DCS
Bioinfo 204 Computational Methods for Analyzing Nucleic Acids and Proteins Applications and algorithms for the analysis of nucleic acids and protein structures and interactions Prerequisite:Bioinfo 201 Foundations of Bioinformatics (for MS Bioinformatics majors); COI (for non-MS Bioinformatics majors) DCS
Bioinfo 205 Fundamentals of Computational Biology Models and methods of analysis for various levels of biological organization Prerequisite: Bioinfo 201 Foundations of Bioinformatics and Bioinfo 202 Statistics for Bioinformatics DCS
Bioinfo 221 Genomic and Transcriptomic Bioinformatics Advanced computational methods for phylogenetics, sequence assembly, and transcriptomic analysis Prerequisite: Bioinfo 201 Foundations of Bioinformatics (for MS Bioinformatics majors); COI (for non-MS Bioinformatics majors) DCS
Bioinfo 271 Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Bioinformatics Case studies regarding various ethical, legal and social issues in bioinformatics Prerequisite: Bioinfo 201 Foundations of Bioinformatics (for MS Bioinformatics majors); COT (for non-MS Bioinformatics majors) DCS
Bioinfo 296 Graduate Seminar Synthesis of research papers and effective communication of research in bioinformatics Prerequisite: None DCS
Bioinfo 297 Special Topics in Bioinformatics Prerequisite: COI DCS
Bioinfo 298 Special Problem in Bioinformatics Conceptualization, conduct of actual research and preparation of scientific manuscript on a research problem in bioinformatics Prerequisite: Bioinfo 296 Graduate Seminar DCS
Bioinfo 300 Master's Thesis Prerequisite: Bioinfo 296 Graduate Seminar DCS
Burmese 10 Elementaring Myanmar I (Elementary Burmese I) Lingg
Burmese 11 Elementaring Myanmar II (Elementary Burmese II) Lingg
Burmese 12 Intermidyet na Myanmar I (Intermediate Burmese I) Lingg
Burmese 13 Intermidyet na Myanmar II (Intermediate Burmese II) Lingg
Bus Res 199 Methods of Business Research A study of the methodology of research, specially as applied to business problems. DBA
Business English 136 Business Letter Writing Training in the composition of effective business letters, with some discussion of tendencies in present-day business correspondence and the problems of management which arise in connection with correspondence. DBA
Business English 137 Business Ethics DBA
Business Law 138 Introduction to Business Law I A survey of basic laws affecting business in general such as Obligations and Contracts Purchases and Sales; Bailments and Carriers; Agency; Law on Merchant and Law on Partnerships. DBA
Business Law 139 Business Law II Continuation of Business Law 138. The Corporation Law; Negotiable Instruments Law; Warehouse Receipts Law; Insurance Act; Tax Laws; and others. DBA
Business Law 140 Business Law 140 An intensive study of the laws on negotiable instruments, insurance and commercial associations with special emphasis on the analysis of problems and selected cases involving these laws. DBA
Business Law 141 Special Business Laws The Negotiable Instruments Law; Warehouse Receipts Law and Insurance Law. DAF
Business Law 142 Taxation The National Internal Revenue Code, Customs Laws, and Municipal Taxation. DBA
Business Law 143 Other Commercial Laws Corporation Law, Insolvency Law, Banking Law, and other commercial laws. DBA
Business Law 200 A comprehensive survey course in business law, designed specially for those preparing for the C.P.A. examination. DBA