Course Catalog
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Course code & No. | Course Title | Course Description | Offering Unit |
BA 101 | Introduction to Business Management | Principles and practices in business management; an overview of the functional areas of business; an introduction to case problem-solving | DBA, HRIM |
BA 102 | Philippine Business Environment | DBA | |
BA 103 | Introduction to Research in Business | Research methods in business | DBA |
BA 104 | Human Behavior in Organizations | DBA | |
BA 105 | Operations Management | DBA | |
BA 106 | Fundamentals of Project Management | Concepts, tools and techniques in project management and project finance. | DBA |
BA 107 | Management of Technology | DBA | |
BA 108 | Special Topics in Operations Management | DBA | |
BA 114.1 | Accounting Theory and Practice I | DAF | |
BA 114.2 | Accounting Theory and Practice II | DAF | |
BA 115 | Management Accounting | DAF | |
BA 116 | Cost Accounting | DAF | |
BA 117 | Managerial Cost Accounting and Control | DAF | |
BA 118.1 | Advanced Accounting I | Fundamental accounting theory applied to special organizations, i.e., partnerships, not-for-profit organizations, government entities, small- and medium-sized enterprises and other special business entities; Home Office and Branch Accounting | DAF |
BA 118.2 | Advanced Accounting II | Accounting for revenue recognition, effect of changes in foreign exchange, financial instruments and derivatives, and accounting for specialized industries. | DAF |
BA 118.3 | Advanced Accounting III | Accounting for associates, joint arrangements and subsidiaries; accounting for business combinations, consolidated financial statements, segment reporting and other updates in financial reporting standards | DAF |
BA 119 | Special Topics in Accounting | DAF | |
BA 121 | Accounting Systems | DAF | |
BA 122.1 | Auditing Theory and Practice I | DAF | |
BA 122.2 | Auditing Theory and Practice II | DAF | |
BA 123 | Public Accounting Practice | DAF | |
BA 124 | Fundamentals of Business Taxation | The application of laws and regulations governing different types of taxes that affect business. | DAF |
BA 126 | Principles of Controllership | The controllership function; characteristics of management control systems; the tools and techniques for planning and decision making; financial planning policies and problems; motivation and control in organizations; corporate governance and business ethics. | DAF |
BA 127 | Tax Accounting I | DAF | |
BA 128 | Tax Accounting II | DAF | |
BA 129 | Management Services | The management of consultancy projects; preparation of feasibility studies and project evaluation; industry studies and other applied business research. | DAF |
BA 132 | Financial Institutions | DAF | |
BA 133 | Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance | Principles of risk management for individuals and organizations; the structure of the insurance industry, and the financial aspects of insurance companies and markets. | DAF |
BA 141 | Business Finance I | DAF | |
BA 142 | Business Finance II | Long-range planning and management of the long-term financial position of a local and multinational business organization; recapitalization and liquidation | DBA, DAF |
BA 145 | Investments | Principles and practice of security analysis, valuation, financial modeling and portfolio management. | DAF |
BA 146 | Special Topics in Finance | DAF | |
BA 147 | Fundamentals of Derivative Securities | Study of the basic theory, valuation methods, and practical applications of derivative securities. | DAF |
BA 148 | Special Topics in Finance | SE, DBA, DAF | |
BA 151 | Human Behavior in Organizations | The concepts and principles of behavior in business organizations. | DBA |
BA 152 | Introduction to Human Resource Management | Basic principles and frameworks in the management of acquisition, development and movement of human resources in organizations | DBA |
BA 158 | Special Topics in Human Resource Management | DBA | |
BA 160 | Business Law | DAF, DBA | |
BA 161 | Law on Business Transactions | The Constitution, Obligations and Contracts, sales, quasi-delicts, damages, lease, all special laws including presidential decrees and administrative regulations pertinent thereto. | SE, DAF |
BA 162 | Law on Business Organizations | Agency, single proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, conglomerates, joint ventures, multinationals, securities act, insolvency law, civil code provisions on orders of preference and concurrence of credits, licensing of foreign corporations and cooperatives, and pertinent laws, rules and regulations administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Board of Investment, Central Bank, Board of Domestic Trade and other government agencies. | DAF |
BA 164 | Negotiable Instruments and Insurance | Negotiable Instruments, Warehouse Receipts Law, Document of Title under the Civil Code, Insurance Law, Deposit. | DAF |
BA 165 | Law on Labor and Labor Relations | Constitutional provisions on labor, Labor Code, as amended, Government protection and promotion of Overseas Labor, Allied Labor laws, Agrarian Reforms. | DBA |
BA 166 | The Law on Sales, Agency, and Other Business Transactions | The legal framework governing contracts of sales, agency, loans, guaranty, pledge and mortgage; negotiable instruments and other laws affecting business transactions. | DAF |
BA 167 | Laws on Governing the Financial System | All banking laws including the Central Bank Act, the General Banking Act and laws governing other specialized financial institutions, government owned or controlled and partly private owned; Investment Houses, Offshore Banking units, PCDUs, Guarantee and Insurance of lending institutions, Central Bank regulations on interest rates. | DBA |
BA 168 | Special Topics in Business Law | DAF | |
BA 170 | Marketing Management | Principles, practices & development of integrated marketing programs. | DBA |
BA 170 | Marketing | DBA | |
BA 172 | Marketing Communications | Planning, managing & evaluating the communication mix-advertising, sales, promotion, packaging, public relations & personal selling. | DBA |
BA 173 | Consumer Behavior | Psychological, economic, anthropological & sociological perspectives in understanding the consumer and in designing marketing programs. | DBA |
BA 173 | Retail Store Management | DBA | |
BA 174 | Marketing Research | Principles & methods used in the systematic & objective search for & analysis of information relevant to identification & solution of marketing problems. | DBA |
BA 175 | Global Marketing | Principles & practices in the marketing of goods & services across borders in the context of a dynamic international business environment. | DBA |
BA 176 | Distribution Management | Principles & practices in the management of retail & wholesale enterprises; merchandising; store operations, promotion, & control. | DBA |
BA 177 | Product Management | Developing & managing brands, products or product lines including development, product launch & product portfolio assessment; maintaining brand equity & leveraging strong bands across line extensions & categories. | DBA |
BA 178 | Special Topics in Marketing Management | DBA | |
BA 179 | Consumer Behavior | Application of the behavioral sciences in understanding consumer behavior and buying decision as they relate to solutions of marketing problems. Emphasis on Filipino consumer behavior. | DBA |
BA 180 | Business Statistics | Time series analysis, probability and sampling. | DBA |
BA 180.1 | Information Technology in Business I | Information and communication technology concepts and tools; business process applications of software packages. | DBA, SE |
BA 180.2 | Information Technology in Business II | Advanced applications of information & communication technology concepts & tools in management decision making and practice; technology evaluation & management issues. | DBA |
BA 181 | Management Science I | Analysis & solution of management problems; deterministic model such as linear & integer programming, transportation, assignment, inventory management, & project management models. | DBA |
BA 182 | Management Science II | Analysis & solution of management problems; stochastic models; decision theory, Markov processes, queueing, simulation, forecasting, regression, & other statistical applications. | DBA |
BA 183 | Computer Methods and Applications | The uses of computers in the solution of management problems. Includes programming solutions to quantitative problems, simulation, experimentation, and basic decision model-building | DBA |
BA 184 | Software Packages in Business | Familiarization with various software packages in selected business applications. | DBA |
BA 186 | Systems Analysis and Design | Principles & methods for analyzing, designing & developing different types of business & management systems. | DBA |
BA 188 | Seminar in Business Economics | DBA | |
BA 190 | Strategic Management | An integrated approach to decision making viewed from a top management perspective; discussion of comprehensive problems of organizations. | DBA |
BA 191 | Information Resource Management | Strategic approaches to the integration & management of information, with emphasis on top management involvement, hardware, telecommunications, & human resources. | DBA |
BA 192 | Entrepreneurship | Principles, problems, & practical aspects of entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship; innovation & new business formations in start-up or corporate settings. | DBA |
BA 193 | Introduction to Corporate Governance and Business Ethics | Principles, concepts and best practices of controlling and managing the relationship and interests of the firm’s primary stakeholders (shareholders, board of directors and top management); application of ethical decision making in business organizations. | DBA |
BA 194 | Fundamentals of International Business | Theories, trends, practices and constraints in international business environment, international trade and investment; strategies in the development of international operations and management problems of multinational enterprises. | DBA |
BA 197 | Reading Course in Business Administration | Individual work on special topics not included in the announced course offering. | DBA |
BA 198 | Special Topics in Business Administration | Special topics in the field of business administration. | DBA |
BA 199 | Business Practice | DBA |