Course Catalog
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Course code & No. | Course Title | Course Description | Offering Unit |
ME 1 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering | Overview of Mechanical Engineering as a field and a profession; Mechanical Engineering fundamentals, applications, and industries; Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines. | DME |
ME 10 | Survey of Manufacturing Processes | DME | |
ME 11 | Mathematical Methods in Mechanical Engineering I | Fundamentals and applications of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Mechanical Engineering; numerical interpolation, differentiation, and integration; fundamentals and applications of linear algebra in Mechanical Engineering; numerical methods for ODEs. | DME |
ME 12 | Mathematical Methods in Mechanical Engineering II | Frequency domain and transforms; partial differential equations; statistical estimation, simulation, and inference in Mechanical Engineering; numerical methods for systems of equations; introduction to optimization. | DME |
ME 31 | Mechanical Engineering CAD | Introduction to 3D computer-aided design (CAD); parametric solids, mechanical assemblies, form features, curves, and engineering drawings. | DME |
ME 32 | Machine Operations | Fundamentals of machine operations and tools; shop practices and safety. | DME |
ME 41 | Mechanisms | DME, DMMM | |
ME 51 | Mechanics of Materials I | Introduction to mechanics of materials; stresses in and deformations of components under external loading; yield and fracture failure theories; introduction to energy methods and impact loading. | DME |
ME 61 | Fundamentals of Thermal and Fluids Engineering | Fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer; laws of thermodynamics; entropy; exergy; fluid statics and kinematics; Reynolds transport theorem; rate equations of heat transfer modes; thermal networks. | DME |
ME 62 | Thermal and Fluids Engineering Systems | Mixture processes; combustion fundamentals; power and refrigeration systems; exergy analysis of systems. | DME |
ME 63 | Thermodynamics | DMMM, DME | |
ME 64 | Heat Transfer | DME | |
ME 71 | Sensors and Actuators | Introduction to microcontrollers, analog and digital sensors and transducers; signal conversion and conditioning; sensor performance and specifications; industrial instrumentation; stepper and DC motors; hydraulic and pneumatic actuators. | DME |
ME 73 | Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation | DME | |
ME 91 | Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineers | DME | |
ME 100 | Mechanical Engineering Industries | Overview of mechanical engineering industries and industry-specific practices; industry trips and analysis of technical, safety, ecological, societal, and economic aspects of operations; career orientation and planning; ME laws, professional ethics, and ME standards. | DME |
ME 101 | Mechanical Equipment for Buildings | DME | |
ME 113 | Mechanical Engineering Simulations | Introduction to computer-aided engineering (CAE); finite element analysis for heat conduction and structural mechanics; computational fluid dynamics; introduction to Multiphysics simulations; multibody dynamics. | DME |
ME 122 | Fluid Machinery | DME | |
ME 126 | Aerodynamics of the Airplane | DME | |
ME 131 | Manufacturing Processes | DME | |
ME 133 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design | Introduction to engineering design process and problem solving; basic selection of machine elements; mechanisms, structures, and joint interfaces; basic mechanism synthesis; basic design optimization. | DME |
ME 134 | Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes | Manufacturing processes, variation and quality, and equipment and controls; design for manufacturing; introduction to manufacturing systems. | DME |
ME 136 | Machine Tool Operations | DME | |
ME 142 | Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery | DME | |
ME 143 | Mechanical Vibrations | DME | |
ME 146 | Machine Dynamics | DME | |
ME 147 | System Dynamics and Control | DME | |
ME 152 | Mechanics of Materials II | Introduction to mechanical characterization; linear elastic fracture mechanics; introductory fatigue failure analysis; plastic response and failure; buckling instabilities; miscellaneous failure modes. | DME |
ME 153 | Machine Design I | DME | |
ME 154 | Machine Design II | DME | |
ME 155 | Machine Design III | DME | |
ME 156 | Machine Design | Application of mechanics and materials fundamentals to machine design, and design and selection of machine elements; integration of machine structures and elements. | DME |
ME 163 | Thermal and Fluids Engineering Processes | Heat conduction; conservation laws; modeling and similitude; boundary layers; internal and external flows; forced and free convection; radiation heat transfer. | DME |
ME 164 | Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer | DME | |
ME 165 | Internal Combustion Engines | DME | |
ME 166 | Thermal and Fluids Engineering Design | Application of thermal and fluids engineering fundamentals to the analysis and design of industrial and power plant devices; advanced energy conversion. | DME |
ME 172 | Experimentation and Technical Exposition in Mechanical Engineering | Design and execution of experiments; statistical analysis and analysis of experimental data; calibration of measuring instruments; technical writing and presentation. | DME |
ME 174 | Mechanical Engineering Laboratory | DME | |
ME 176 | Control Systems I | DME | |
ME 177 | Control Systems II | DME | |
ME 180 | Inspection Trips and Seminars | DME | |
ME 181 | Refrigeration Engineering | DME | |
ME 182 | Air Conditioning | DME | |
ME 183 | Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning | DME | |
ME 186 | Power Plant Engineering I | DME | |
ME 187 | Power Plant Engineering II | DME | |
ME 188 | Power Plant Engineering | DME | |
ME 190 | Mechanical Engineering Research I | Methods, processes, and techniques for conceiving, designing, implementing, operating, and documenting experimental research; conception and design of a mechanical engineering research project. | DME |
ME 192 | Industrial Electrical and Electronic Equipment | DME | |
ME 195 | Product Engineering I | Methods, processes, and techniques for conceiving, designing, prototyping, and operating a product; product design documentation. | DME |
ME 196 | Product Engineering II | DME | |
ME 197 | Special Topics | DME | |
ME 198 | Special Problems | DME | |
ME 199 | Mechanical Engineering Research II | Construction of a physical experimental apparatus; writing of software for computational experiments; collection, reduction, and analysis of experimental data; research exposition. | DME |
ME 211 | Safety Engineering | DME | |
ME 222 | Fluid Machinery and Systems | DME | |
ME 224 | Design of Fluid Machinery and Systems | DME | |
ME 226 | Gas Dynamics | DME | |
ME 231 | Metal Cutting and Forming | DME | |
ME 236 | Tool Engineering | DME | |
ME 242 | Intermediate Mechanisms | DME | |
ME 243 | Advanced Mechanisms | DME | |
ME 258 | Advanced Machine Design | DME | |
ME 259 | Composite Materials | DME | |
ME 260 | Advanced Heat Transfer I | DME | |
ME 264 | Advanced Heat Transfer II | DME | |
ME 267 | Advanced Thermodynamics I | DME | |
ME 268 | Advanced Thermodynamics II | DME | |
ME 281 | Advanced Refrigeration | DME | |
ME 282 | Advanced Air-Conditioning | DME | |
ME 286 | Combustion | DME | |
ME 287 | Fuels and Thermal Power | DME | |
ME 296 | Seminar | DME | |
ME 297 | Special Problems | DME | |
ME 298 | Special Problems | DME | |
ME 300 | Thesis | DME | |
METEO 321 | Research Problems in Weather | Advanced applications of weather research | IESM |
METEO 331 | Research Problems in Climate | Advanced applications of climate research. | IESM |
METEO 341 | Research Problems in Environmental Meteorology | Advanced applications of environmental research | IESM |
METEO 395 | Advanced Studies in Meteorology | Conduct of directed, specific research on a problem in the field of meteorology. | IESM |
METEO 397 | Special Topics | IESM | |
METEO 399 | Independent Doctoral Research in Meteorology | Comprehensive literature review, conceptualization and conduct of research and preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced meteorological research problem | IESM |
METEO 400 | PhD Dissertation | IESM, DMO | |
Media 210 | Media Theory | GRADUATE | |
Media 220 | Media Literacy | GRADUATE | |
Media 230 | Media Ethics | GRADUATE | |
Media 240 | Media Research | GRADUATE | |
Media 250 | Political Economy of Media | GRADUATE | |
Media 260 | Media, Gender and Sexuality | GRADUATE | |
Media 280 | Contemporary Issues in Media | GRADUATE | |
Media 300 | Thesis | GRADUATE | |
Media 301 | Media and Culture | GRADUATE | |
Media 302 | Media Historiography | GRADUATE | |
Media 303 | Media and Discourses on Development | GRADUATE | |
Media 304 | Media and Identities | GRADUATE | |
Media 321 | New Media and Their Changing Technologies | GRADUATE | |
Media 331 | Media and Popular Culture | GRADUATE | |
Media 332 | Media, Diaspora and the Transnationalization of Cultures | GRADUATE | |
Media 397 | Special Topics | GRADUATE | |
Media 399 | Media Research | GRADUATE | |
Media 400 | Dissertation | GRADUATE | |
MetE 11 | Introduction to Metallurgical Engineering | DMMM | |
MetE 12 | Metallurgical Measurements | DMMM | |
MetE 13 | Methods of Metallurgical Analysis | DMMM | |
MetE 13 | Metallurgical Measurements and Analysis | DMMM | |
MetE 14 | Metallurgical Experimental Design | DMMM | |
MetE 15 | Economic Analysis in Metallurgy | DMMM | |
MetE 16 | Metallurgical Mineralogy | Principles and metallurgical applications of mineralogy and ore microscopy | DMMM |
MetE 17 | Metallurgical Thermodynamics | DMMM | |
MetE 17.1 | Metallurgical Thermodynamics Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 19 | Kinetics of Metallurgical Reactions | DMMM | |
MetE 20 | Ore Dressing | DMMM | |
MetE 20 | Ore Beneficiation | Mineral processing for mining engineers | DMMM |
MetE 20.1 | Ore Beneficiation Laboratory | Mineral processing laboratory and analytical techniques | DMMM |
MetE 120 | Ore Dressing | DMMM | |
MetE 121 | Mineral Processing I | DMMM | |
MetE 121.1 | Mineral Processing I Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 127 | Mineral Processing II | Theories, calculation and equipment in mineral separation, neutralization and tailings treatment | DMMM |
MetE 127.1 | Mineral Processing II Laboratory | Laboratory techniques in mineral separation, neutralization and treatment of tailings | DMMM |
MetE 128 | Mineral Processing Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 132 | Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy | Physical chemistry of hydrometallurgical processes. Dissolution, solution purification, metal winning from solutions. Electrochemical phenomena | DMMM |
MetE 132.1 | Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Laboratory | Unit processes of aqueous metallurgy and electrometallurgy | DMMM |
MetE 134 | Pyrometallurgy | DMMM | |
MetE 134.1 | Pyrometallurgy Laboratory | Application of principles in pyrometallurgy | DMMM |
MetE 135 | Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 136 | Production Metallurgy | DMMM | |
MetE 141 | Engineering Materials | DMMM | |
MetE 143 | Elements of Materials Science | DMMM | |
MetE 147 | Physical Metallurgy II | DMMM | |
MetE 148 | Physical Metallurgy Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 149 | Failure and Degradation of Metals | DMMM | |
MetE 150 | Adaptive Metallurgy Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 156 | Metallurgical Plant Design | DMMM | |
MetE 176 | Physical Metallurgy | DMMM | |
MetE 176.1 | Physical Metallurgy Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 177 | Adaptive Metallurgy | Processes in Adaptive Metallurgy | DMMM |
MetE 177.1 | Adaptive Metallurgy Laboratory | Application of adaptive metallurgy principles and metal forming processes | DMMM |
MetE 179 | Failure and Degradation of Metals | General introduction to the failure behavior of metals, survey of various destructive and nondestructive failure analysis techniques;examination of various failure modes and degradation of metals in industrial applications | DMMM |
MetE 191 | Environmental Safety and Health Issues in the Practice of Metallurgical Engineering | Safety and health issues in a metallurgical or manufacturing plant, impacts of processes on the environment and the community, hazards and risks assessment and controls, and occupational health management system | DMMM |
MetE 193 | Metallurgical Plant Practice | Practicum in an operating metallurgical plant | DMMM |
MetE 194 | Metallurgical Process Design | Elements of metallurgical process design and economic evaluation | DMMM |
MetE 195 | Metallurgical Plant Design | Elements of metallurgical plant design; environmental and economic considerations | DMMM |
MetE 197 | Special Topics | DMMM | |
MetE 198 | Literature Review and Proposal Writing | Independent work on construction, design or research project in metallurgical engineering | DMMM |
MetE 198 | Special Problems | DMMM | |
MetE 199 | Research Laboratory | DMMM | |
MetE 199 | Undergraduate Research | DMMM | |
MetE 210 | Advanced Metallurgical Thermodynamics | DMMM | |
MetE 213 | Rate Processes | DMMM | |
MetE 217 | Minerals Industry Analyses | DMMM | |
MetE 218 | Process Synthesis | DMMM | |
MetE 221 | Advanced Mineral Processing I | DMMM | |
MetE 222 | Advanced Mineral Processing II | DMMM | |
MetE 231 | Advanced Extractive Metallurgy I | DMMM | |
MetE 232 | Advanced Extractive Metallurgy II | DMMM | |
MetE 235 | Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking | DMMM | |
MetE 241 | Advanced Physical Metallurgy | DMMM | |
MetE 243 | Heat Treatment of Ferrous and Special Alloys | DMMM | |
MetE 251 | Metal Casting | DMMM | |
MetE 257 | Deformation Processing | DMMM | |
MetE 296 | Seminar | DMMM | |
MetE 298 | Special Problems | DMMM | |
MetE 300 | Thesis | DMMM | |
Meteo 101 | General Meteorology | IESM | |
Meteo 201 | Synoptic Meteorology | Mesoscale to planetary scale weather systems of the general circulation with emphasis on synoptic scale systems. | IESM |
Meteo 202 | Synoptic Meteorology Practicum | IESM | |
Meteo 203 | Methods of Analytical Meteorology and Oceanography | IESM | |
Meteo 204 | Tropical Meteorology | IESM | |
Meteo 205 | Atmospheric Science for Teachers | IESM | |
Meteo 206 | Hydrometeorology | Integration of hydrology and meteorology focusing on precipitation, surface flow, and groundwater flow, and their observation, analysis, modeling, and forecasting. | IESM |
Meteo 211 | Climatology | Climate and climate systems including integration of dynamic, physical, biogeochemical, and anthropogenic bases of climate and climate systems. | IESM |
Meteo 212 | Climate Monitoring and Prediction | Analysis of climate data, its application and utility in global climate models; climate monitoring principles; statistical and dynamical techniques; climate modeling and parameterization; coupling and interactions. | IESM |
Meteo 213 | Agrometeorology | Implications of meteorological processes to agriculture including soil and heat balance, hydrological cycle, small-scale climate, agrometeorological management at microscale and topscale, and operational agrometeorology. | IESM |
Meteo 221 | Physical Meteorology | Fundamentals of physical atmospheric processes with emphasis on the thermodynamics of the atmospheric and principles of radiative transfer. | IESM |
Meteo 222 | Satellite Meteorology | Principles and applications of remote sensing technology to meteorology; nature of radiation, absorption, emission, reflection and scattering; radiative transfer equation, surface temperature, and cloud detection; satellite observations; data acquisition, handling, and processing; interpretation of satellite data. | IESM |
Meteo 223 | Radar Meteorology | Principles and applications of radar to meteorology; radar systems; radar data acquisition, handling, and processing; integration of radar principles to synoptic and dynamic processes in the atmosphere. | IESM |
Meteo 224 | Air Pollution Meteorology | Interrelationships between meteorology and air pollution; role of contaminants in climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion; dispersion modeling; legislations and mitigations. | IESM |
Meteo 225 | Cloud and Precipitation Physics | Dynamics and microphysical processes of cloud and rain formation, modeling and parameterization, and cloud modification. | IESM |
Meteo 231 | Dynamic Meteorology | Fundamentals of liquid dynamics, physical laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy applied to various horizontal and vertical scale motions; circulation and vorticity. | IESM |
Meteo 232 | Advanced Dynamic Meteorology | Fluid dynamics applied to atmospheric flows over synoptic scale motions, mesoscale and general circulations, and tropical and middle atmospheric dynamics. | IESM |
Meteo 233 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | Kinematics of fluid flow on a rotating sphere such as fundamental dynamics, barotropic and vortex dynamics, rotating shallow-water and wave dynamics, baroclinic and jet dynamics, and boundary-layer and wind-gyre dynamics. | IESM |
Meteo 234 | Numerical Weather Prediction | Examination, evaluation and application application of numerical models for weather diagnosis and forecasting. | IESM |
Meteo 296 | Graduate Seminar | IESM | |
Meteo 297 | Special Topics | IESM | |
Meteo 300 | M.S. Thesis | IESM | |
Meteo 396 | Research Seminar | IESM |